Little Sisters of The Poor vs.“Wicked Witch Pelosi”

Flying with the Holy Spirit vs Flying on a Broomstick

This is one good reason I just yesterday made a remark about how out of control and insane” the world has become due to evil working it’s way into everything, even sacred and Holy endeavors, when last night addressing thoughts about the Wuhan Corona Virus Pandemic repercussions.

I’ve been thinking how corrupted and wrong society has gotten where sensibility, plain decency, virtue, morality, principles and integrity are becoming extinct qualities in so many people who have turned to pagan secular mindsets that are ruining humanity.

On October 1, 2019, the Little Sisters of the Poor asked the Supreme Court to protect them from the HHS contraceptive mandate again and end their legal battle once and for all.  The Supreme Court will review the Third Circuit’s decision in Little Sisters of the Poor v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on May 6, 2020.

Hey, let’s blame Pelosi and Obama for all of this wicked nonsense, Pelosi the one who rants in front of the news cameras, Don’t mess with me I’m a Catholic I don’t hate anybody, I pray for Trump!”  WHAT, Nancy!  NOOOOO, you’re a hypocrite; you Wicked Witch of the West AKA California!!!  And we know what Obama is being the 1st fraud POTUS ever and not a Christian but instead an enemy of America by default; being a bro of the Muslim Brotherhood that doesn’t value the American Constitution above Islam’s political ideology!  No wonder Nancy when the Dem ruled Senate was pushing through the Affordable Care Act Bill, you said, “First we have to sign it to see what’s in it,” only because you and your Dem conspirators” knew that you were pulling the wool over the public’s eyes being in the Dem majority at the time and only wanting to push the leftist Dem agenda, FREE ABORTION ON DEMAND in it,” which has been ruinous to America! God’s Wrath is Coming!


This horrible treatment of these Nuns and the breaching of Constitutionality when the Dems can get away with it, is a typical behavior and agenda of theirs as they are just left wing, globalists, elitists, socialist minions of the damned!

Hey, Nancy the Hypocrite, eat crow you hag!  Do you forget so soon what you said to the world when a reporter dare to ask you if you Hate Trump!?  Obviously you don’t love these Nuns because your House Left Wing Radical antichrist agenda is evil, and you love money and power more than these beautiful Catholic Nuns living a LIFE OF HUMILITY AND CHARITY.    Instead you live in opulent splendor in your mansions and while you and your crooked gangster family make billions ripping off America and making back door deals with the Communist Atheist Chinese Government, you lying hypocritical minion of the deepest wasteland of hell!  You haven’t got a humble bone in your whole rotting body!

The Nuns Fly with the Holy Spirit daily doing God’s work on earth!

As Pelosi Gets to Fly on her broomstick like the Wicked Witch doing the work of Satan on earth!

“I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!”



Pelosi in Halloween Attire!

Wicked Witch Oz docu.jpg


Author: Lawrence Morra

Have worked in creative and news visual media as a photographer or cameraman and this POV has given me a better insight or view of the world. The Cameraman's POV. His Perspective on many things. All content on this site is copyrighted© by Lawrence Morra/Zero Lift-Off. All rights reserved. Email:

32 thoughts on “Little Sisters of The Poor vs.“Wicked Witch Pelosi””

  1. Hi Lawrence !
    Thanks for posting this.
    I was glad to see it, because today I have been reading and meditating on Matthew 23, where our Lord is talking about hypocrites !
    Thanks for making us aware of The Little Sisters of the Poor, and their important ministry.
    And, as usual, you added humour to this post in adding the videos at the end.
    As Christians, we need to be courageous in speaking up against situations that are so obviously wrong. Thanks. 🤗

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    1. 🤗Oh Sally!!! Thank you professor-cantor-mentor! See, I had a strong feeling since last night about how “out of control and insane” things are when I actually stated that on another Blog Post! Then this morning this about the Nuns came to me after a long few mile walk and the green light went off in my head! I was so stirring in my heart to say something noticeable and worthwhile in behalf of these beautiful women who have dedicated their entire lives to Christ and to the suffering!!! What has Pelosi and so many others of us humans who are like her really done, but TAKE while not serving the Lord and yet they say I’m a Catholic??? Oh please stop trying to con everyone it gets old long ago! Your prayers were spiritual dots connecting through time and space via the Lord’s Holy Spirit so I feel I did a little something good and my heart is happy about that! Please keep up those beautiful devout prayers and I’ll keep my spiritual antennae up waiting for God’s signals as best I can!
      Have a lovely day! Oh and I will probably post something soon with a picture or two of some of the trekking I do with my dog!
      God Bless You! 🤗


      1. Lawrence, you are funny, but thanks for saying I am your professor-cantor-mentor. 😁
        I still have my Bible open at Matthew 23.
        Jesus did not ‘mince words ‘ ( another adage), when talking to hypocrites.
        Yes, it does ‘get old’ 🤗 doesn’t it, when people claim to be ‘Catholic’ while their actions give them away !
        People need to look at the Little Sisters of the Poor to see what genuine Catholicism looks like. We are not all called to religious life of course, but our Lord requires all of his soldiers to speak up for his truth.
        We would enjoy a post on trekking with your beloved dog.
        We are on the wait list for a Golden Retriever puppy.
        Dogs are faithful companions and friends.
        Thanks again for this post. 🤗 I chuckled too when you wrote…’ the green light went off in my head’🤗

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      2. 😁 Thank you sally and I am a barrel of laughs at times when I’m not agitated by world affairs and so frustrated seeing so little change if any in the right direction! Oh these powerful ones in our governments are evil they are worse than the wolves in sheep’s clothing as they are supposed to be totally about public SERVICE and duty bound to the people God’s children as our Nations Pledge states One Nation Under God! These terrible examples of human beings are only serving self and hording all they can while they can and that is a sure bet for a one way ticket to HELL. No chance and as they say down South of the border, No Way Jose! They haven’t got a prayer!
        Yes these wonderful Nuns are doing what most people couldn’t do but even so we are to see their example and emulate or mimic it in our daily responsibilities and obligations first to our Lord Jesus Christ and then to our loved ones and neighbors! Sadly not enough people see it this way or are attempting to offer up that much devotional dedication to our heavily Father, and I’m sure He is more sad than I can fathom! These days unfortunately the vast communication network is a very sharp double edges sword, because rather than use it to accomplish great good and at least the little bits that I’m attempting to here, they are the blind leading the blind! I’ve see firsthand the utter waste and shameful kibitzing or off the wall low down stupidity being propagated! It’s very sinful and that is sad to me; so I pray people wake up!
        Oh I’m sure God will bring you the puppy at the right moment and the one that belongs there with you!🤗 I do have a funny head don’t I, with lights going off and whatnot! At least it was green so that’s a good thing, and we know when one sees red watch out, ohhhh yikkkes, get out of the way!🤗 I usually never get that far in the light spectrum in my head that is!!! LOL! I try to stay on the opposite side of that and when I do start seeing red I like to withdraw and rest! Like grandfather always said, “son always avoid trouble as best you can.” 🤗 😜😉 😂 👍 🙏 🙏

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      3. Hi Lawrence! In Matthew 23, Jesus refers to the hypocrites as being spiritually blind several times. And , sadly, most of the ‘powerful ones’ are spiritually blind.
        I sing everyday, and Amazing Grace is one of my favourites. I like the words ‘was blind, but now I see..’
        So let’s keep praying that more people have their spiritual eyes opened through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
        Yes, I believe a new puppy will arrive in God’s timing – our third Golden, after Paris, and Lacey.
        Thanks! 🤗

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      4. Thanks again Sally! 🤗 Sounds like it’s time for a little Gracie perhaps!!! Yes I get so emotional hearing Amazing Grace sung by a fine woman singer or a choir, as much as Ave Maria! So wonderful that you keep your singing going like that and it must sound so beautiful for your husband to hear along with anyone lucky enough to be around!
        Yes, that is the truth that those who are dead in Christ have no real heart anymore as it was possessed with the flesh and material world riches or lust for power making them the most accursed and lonely souls not being in communion with the ultimate truth and grace of God the Creator who pleads to all His children to awaken and seek the light rising up out of despair and ultimately oblivion where there will never be a shred of happiness or contentment; nothing but anguish and infinite loss!
        I agree with that verse too so much, one being once blinded to the light of the Lord then seeing it is an epiphany or revelation to a person but some have hardened and corrupted their hearts so much that like a computer infected with viruses and many damaging programs that take away the original replacing it with a madness dwelling in the empty shell of a human being and that is what I do see in people like Pelosi and Biden they are so fake and have deceived so many for so long that they even did it to themselves, delusional, ya know the Emperor has no cloths scenario! I think some of those people don’t even get it anymore as they are a repetitive state of whack-a-mole! 🤗 👍 🙏 🙏

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      5. Yes, Lawrence, I agree. Some people have hardened their hearts, so that Christ’s light cannot illuminate their spirits.
        I must confess that I had to look up the definition of ‘whack-a-mole ‘🤗
        Let’s pray for the grace not to become discouraged, as we work for our Lord . He works in ways we cannot see.
        He always resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
        My favourite hymn of all is Ave Verum Corpus, by Mozart.
        My favourite youtube version is the one by the King’s College Choir. It is interesting to see this famous protestant choir sing a hymn about the Eucharist. 🤗

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      6. 🤗 Wow, were they having an epiphany before they sang it! That seems quite unusual but if they wanted to sing it then that’s a good thing and shows more hope than not! I’ve talked to some Protestants that showed a stubborn unwillingness to discuss and consider many of the tenets of the Catholic Church.
        Yea that’s an odd term and some people know it from the game but I was thinking more along the line of a block head the sort of person that keeps banging their head against a brick wall and that is obviously not going to get anywhere! Or like Don Rickles used the term Hockey Puck meaning the same thing basically!
        Yes Sally I agree praying that even the thickest of them will be penetrated by God’s illumination in their souls! But, it always stands out to me when I see such haughty people that Scripture says for the rich man to pass through the gates of heaven is like trying to pass a camel through the eye of a needle! I know it’s not meaning that anyone rich obviously but I’d say those that have acquired great wealth run the risk of becoming one of these I’m referring to if they allow it to possess them and also by the company they keep too! I met Paul Newman many years ago and I liked him right off the bat! And of course God does the judging but I think Paul and Joanne were a very nice couple with good sound values and he once said when asked doesn’t he ever think about giving in to one of the many woman that are swooning over him so much and he said why go out for a hamburger when you have filet mignon at home! But more importantly he genuine cared about sick children and started the Hole in the Wall Gang Camps for terminally ill children which served over 730,000 very ill children which was just one of the many philanthropic things he and his wife did to give as much as they could to humanity.
        I’m going to check that Ave Verum Corpus, by Mozart by King’s College Choir which I don’t think I’ve heard them sing it! 🤗
        Thank you again.
        You grateful student!

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      7. Hi Lawrence – Thanks for sharing the kindness that you learned from Paul Newman.
        I have been Protestant, and thus I understand the wrong information that they are taught about Catholicism.
        Yes, unfortunately, people with great wealth sometimes forget about their complete dependence on God. Now I am chuckling, thinking about ‘thick’ people, and ‘block heads’. Laughter is good medicine. 🤗

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      8. “Now I am chuckling, thinking about ‘thick’ people, and ‘block heads’. Laughter is good medicine. 🤗”
        Isn’t it though; see how it works so reciprocally and now to read what you said here I’m laughing again and smiling which are very good medicine for me and my tenseness! Glad to share the story and have others maybe even better that perhaps we will share at an appropriate time, connecting those dots, right Sally!
        Thank you for the good feedback! 🤗

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  2. 😆So. Are you saying you don’t care for Pelosi? (That’s sarcasm) 😂
    I received a survey yesterday regarding Trump, how I feel about the job he’s been doing. At the end was a section where I could type additional comments. I told them to investigate Fauci, Obama and Gates for crimes against humanity, specifically the American people, and for treason. There are many other knuckleheads, like Pelosi, who need to be removed as well. Will my comments be heeded? Probably not. They probably will never reach Trump, but if enough Americans voice this opinion perhaps the message will get through. Enough is enough. I know these things must happen in the end times, but if America falls I pray it’s because so many American Christians are taken in the rapture there’s nothing left of America, not because we stood idly by and let them take away our freedoms and burn our Constitution.

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    1. Absolutely agree with you 100% Marcia!
      I would have wrote word for word what you did too my friend!
      Some fine words of wisdom spoken years ago apply beautifully here!
      “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke
      “Yes, there is a time when good men and women must stand up for what’s right, even when it involves risk, but that moment comes only after evil has already been well established and is powerfully on the move.
      Evil is inherently weak.
      The truth is that evil survives by tricking the good into doing its will. Without thousands of basically decent people confused enough to obey, evil would fail quickly.
      “Hannah Arendt” summarized evil this way: The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.
      These people wouldn’t initiate murders by themselves, but in the name of duty, loyalty, unity, and/or the greater good, they cooperate with evil and give it their strength. But each plays a small part—none of them stretches so far that they’d have to contemplate the final effects of their actions.
      In the 20th century, however, the actions of such people led directly to the murders of 260 million people. And they did this precisely by avoiding decisions… by merely obeying.
      People think of murder, lying, and robbery as sins, but none of those has nearly the death toll of obedience.
      Basically decent men and women obey agents of evil for very mundane reasons. The process often goes like this:
      1. Being confused and intimidated, they look for the center of the pack.
      2. They try not to make waves.
      3. They learn that they can avoid making waves best if they adopt the perspectives of their overlords. So they run the overlords’ slogans through their minds as a default program.
      In the end, these people don’t make up their minds. Rather, they take on the minds of their overlords and do their will.
      And so, the vast majority of evil done on Earth traces back to minds and wills that have been abandoned to fear and laid on the Altar of Obedience.” Hannah Arendt


      1. Hi Marcia!
        I think I just sent this but just in case I messed I up I’m just sending it here too for more eyes to read!
        Hannah Arendt is the author!
        “Yes, there is a time when good men and women must stand up for what’s right, even when it involves risk, but that moment comes only after evil has already been well established and is powerfully on the move.
        Evil is inherently weak.
        The truth is that evil survives by tricking the good into doing its will. Without thousands of basically decent people confused enough to obey, evil would fail quickly.
        “Hannah Arendt” summarized evil this way: The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.
        These people wouldn’t initiate murders by themselves, but in the name of duty, loyalty, unity, and/or the greater good, they cooperate with evil and give it their strength. But each plays a small part—none of them stretches so far that they’d have to contemplate the final effects of their actions.
        In the 20th century, however, the actions of such people led directly to the murders of 260 million people. And they did this precisely by avoiding decisions… by merely obeying.
        People think of murder, lying, and robbery as sins, but none of those has nearly the death toll of obedience.
        Basically decent men and women obey agents of evil for very mundane reasons. The process often goes like this:
        1. Being confused and intimidated, they look for the center of the pack.
        2. They try not to make waves.
        3. They learn that they can avoid making waves best if they adopt the perspectives of their overlords. So they run the overlords’ slogans through their minds as a default program.
        In the end, these people don’t make up their minds. Rather, they take on the minds of their overlords and do their will.
        And so, the vast majority of evil done on Earth traces back to minds and wills that have been abandoned to fear and laid on the Altar of Obedience.” Hannah Arendt
        This is the real deal and such powerful language that cuts to the chase and right to the door of truth!
        “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke


    1. I believe without checking into my own files it was stated in her “The Origins of Totalitarianism” but some on the left have tried to use her writings to point a finger at Trump as well. One essay I read online said this,
      “Thoughtlessness – the heedless recklessness or hopeless confusion or complacent repetition of ‘truths’ which have become trivial and empty – seems to be among the outstanding characteristics of our time.” – Hannah Arendt, “The Human Condition”
      “Of course, such quotes taken out of context may be easy and comforting to share online, but they do not reflect the entirety of Arendt’s ideas. Similarly, those hoping to find all answers to “The Origins of Totalitarianism” are bound to be disappointed. Arendt didn’t pick that title herself – her publisher did. She believed the world was way too complex and messy to pinpoint the roots of totalitarianism, according to Berkowitz.”

      “While revisiting her works, impossibly trying to predict if we’ll be overtaken by new forms of totalitarianism in the future, one can also find consolation in another of Arendt’s observations: She considered civil disobedience an essential part of the United States’ political system – and the country’s strong protest movements currently demonstrate this again.”

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    1. 🙋‍♀️ Hi Keza! Thank you and well I’m not cruzin for a bruzin or anything like that, so even if things ain’t peachy keen, hanging in is fine and dandy by me for the time being! Just holding my own and been getting sidetracked lately enough to take me more out of the loop than in. I hope you’re sailing along smoothly! Actually, I had a couple of days when I was going to write a short article that was very inspired but didn’t even get to first base on that! Just before dark last evening I found a mourning dove with an injured wing so I’m trying to see if it can get another chance to fly, in the near term; it would have been feral cat or fox snack-time if I hadn’t checked on something when I did! We’ll have to keep tabs on all the latest developments as we can. Meanwhile stay safe and be well. 🤗 👍 🙏 🙏 😉 👍


  3. Hoping u at least start ur small article that was inspiring at least. U can add to it here and there as u nurture ur dove back to shape. Are u using popsicle sticks to keep it straight ? Or how does that work?

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    1. Funny you should say because partly it is about the Nuns and signs of the times that shouldn’t be ignored. Tooth picks is more like it in this case but still not in that need yet, it may be more a bruising trauma soft tissue injury due to a rabbit running into it when a few of them were chasing each other, or I should say a couple of males were chasing her because the heat was on!!! Lots of doves lie around in the bushy grass and late afternoon I had seen them running around doing their thing, but later I did notice some smaller downy feathers strewn about in that general area so when I happened upon the dove 2+2 pretty much made 4! 🤗 👍 🙏 🙏 😉

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  4. Thanks for posting this. Each and every single time she says, “I am Catholic” I cringe!!!!! I am like, “Do you belong to a Catholic Church I do not know about, the one for abortion?” There must be one, as she is such a devout follower of it. Good job and God Bless, SR

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    1. Pelosi is doomed being a not-Catholic and professing to be is a blasphemy to God as she does especially being in a position like that with so much influence on others! She is to me an example of how the Mafia would claim they are Catholics and did the things hat they did in secrecy that are totally against the basic tenets of the church and the Ten Commandments! Actually Pelosi is part of a much more powerful organization which is affecting millions if not billions of people so she has so much accounting to do before God. God measures according to how much one is given as the same with the Prodigal Son, and what happened with that which God makes clear to us throughout the Holy Scriptures in many other examples of how we are to serve God and Love Him. Also I agree her being a promoter on a massive scale of wholesale abortion is an Abomination to God and she is doomed! Even with all of this suffering occurring by evil acts of men that brought on this Pandemic and the ensuing war of words and wills she has tried to get major liberal agendas along with massive amounts of money appropriated in the relief for the Pandemic to kill more babies while she says she is caring for us and feels for all the lives lost from the Wuhan Corona Virus. It is hard to stomach such a vile woman with so much authority and power in our Nations seat of governance! But, most if not all of the Democrat party is in the same boat with her and even many RINO republicans who pretend just to hold onto their own power! Very likely we are in the End Time. Or not many years away!

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