Barely Significant or Bearing Witness

“the decision rests with you”

I just read a very beautiful description written by a wonderful Christian fellow blogger about an annual natural event in her corner of the world that is truly breathtaking and deeply inspiring.  Also, her specific story reminded me of a collection of photographs I have compiled over the years in my animal advocacy efforts that fit this idea perfectly.  This fine description of hers triggered some esoteric inner thought regarding the why of life and purpose, which follows!

Polar bear jumping ice flows  docu.jpg

Yes these natural ebb and flow events such as this glacier produced iceberg/ice-floes which separate the long cold winter from summer with the rhythm of life on earth, have continued for millennia and never lose their breathtaking majesty like this ebb and flow event of nature!  This to me is a repeated message of just how awe inspiring and great God is to have created all of this wonder for we children of God to behold and witness as we being a conscious part of His plan BEAR a most significant position above all other life to respond to God by means of our direct interactive experience with Him through His magnificent Creation!  This I see clearly is all conducted and allowed so we can get to know Him and finally be with Him as members of the most inner sanctum, or be in the presence of God the Creator; as we now must grow in our understanding and appreciation of His plan and purpose by means of His WORD coupled with this process of EXPERIENCE in order to fulfill our personal obligation of thanks and love for Him, for giving us this Great Gift!

Just be careful of those Polar BEARS as you live in the moment of this great fulfillment, because the bears are predominately concerned with being bears and getting their next meal.  They are a magnificent creature of Gods!

Polar bear sleeping on ice flow docu.jpg

The title asks which do you prefer to be; “the decision rests with you.”

Lawrence Morra

Polar bear in pink flowers web.jpg

Polar bear in pink flowers bust.jpg



Author: Lawrence Morra

Have worked in creative and news visual media as a photographer or cameraman and this POV has given me a better insight or view of the world. The Cameraman's POV. His Perspective on many things. All content on this site is copyrighted© by Lawrence Morra/Zero Lift-Off. All rights reserved. Email:

7 thoughts on “Barely Significant or Bearing Witness”

    1. Hi Marcia! Thank you very much for this beautiful comment! Absolutely and that is what he has awaiting any of us who will see and hear! Open up our hearts to Him alone and we can be rolling in unlimited blossoms with the greatest joy for eternity! He truly loves us that much! His works are the mightiest and at the same time the most tenderly loving; all beyond our present earthly comprehension! Amen. 🤗 🙏

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  1. Lawrence – Thanks so much for posting this ! That is exactly what we experience – when these mighty bears get stuck on ice floes.
    I can imagine how confusing that must be for them.
    Beautiful amazing photos of these large creatures. 🤗

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh Sally how are you? I didn’t see you around and got worried so I hope all is well out your way for you and yours! I also rushed in doing this splice to your post in a sense to add a bit of dimension only because you told me about it once before, how the Polar Bears coming around the villages there, and I’ve had some experience with wildlife rescue; also took some certification courses for rehabbing and that with my wildlife advocacy work coupled with my photography background had led me to compiling some extensive photo files with many good shots of nature. So then, this popped in my head like a lightning bolt to add this content to your story via an in-depth comment; to perhaps help people grow in appreciation of what you were saying about your wonderful area and even think about supporting animals more through various outlets. I was in the middle of a writing project that’s taking much time but dropped it yesterday to put something I felt inspired to help with, so I’m very happy it meets with your approval and liking!!! I was just in a pinch it seems to decide going with my gut or more aptly said, my Faith, how to proceed and I did my best I hope. 🤗 Thanks again for bringing this beautiful but very important nature matter to our attention and allowing me the opportunity to serve in some way the interests of the wild ecosystem and your community along with an enhanced inspirational dimension of our spiritual faith being exercised and explored in the process! . 🙏 🙏 😇 ❤️ 😇 🙏 🙏
      Brother in Christ Jesus,

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