Seek and You Will Find

“God doesn’t roll dice!” 

I found a fellow bloggers name listed today for the first time indicating he liked my blog and is now following it.  I in turn reviewed his blog and enjoyed his perspective on some topics of interest to me as well, but I immediately noticed a gap in his perception of our earthly reality.  My hope here is to help bridge that gap with added insight and revelation, because we all need our own personal epiphany before we depart this short earthly life.  I recognize that we humans may come from very different cultures and backgrounds that often give us different frames of reference by which we perceive the world in “varying degrees of difference” that can be similar or vastly different.  But again, my hope here is to express my inner most heart and what wisdom I may have acquired in my lifetime to help others to hopefully see the TRUTH, so they won’t “miss the boat” or “not see the forest for the trees!”  “This life is an unbelievable, awe inspiring amazing gift” that came from “absolute perfect eternal love” and this short opportunity or window to come to terms with some fundamental principles that we must not overlook should not be marginalized or wasted!  But rather, we should with a whole heartened intent ask “the why,” because there is an answer sitting in our proverbial faces to that ancient question!  And, that is why, I wrote this blog today, for this man or anyone who will listen.  God Bless You.

I see where you’re coming from.  I also see the deepest intrinsic value in every speck of existence as miraculous and having qualities that are not random or meaningless or having come into such balance and order by chance or random sequential events taking place at some special by happenstance moment, as I also don’t see how it all has always been as it is with no beginning or end, as we observe readily all is changing and disintegrating in this realm!  Scientists know for certain and have demonstrated the “Big Bang” theory, but so too persons like the great Albert Einstein who by far one of the most extraordinary minds to have even been here on earth, told fellow physicists when having a discussion about the millisecond prior to the “Big Bang;” when one of the scientists extrapolated with all of  his calculations that with enough “random events” occurring just before that “golden moment” when creation took place or the “Big Beginning,” as I call it, this scientist said these events would surely fall into the precise order required for that golden moment to take place.

Albert Einstein pic

Then Einstein said, “Ah, Yes my friend but you’re forgetting one thing, God doesn’t roll dice!”  You see he knew and could understand by his extraordinary insights or revelation into existence, his epiphany if you will; that a creating power that vast and intelligent would undoubtedly have to exist being deliberate and intentional in all of its actions by the sheer fact of knowing all things which would by default make “each action perfect and precisely what it was meant to be” or the only thing it can be; never a mistake!  My point to you and all followers here is that the mathematical probability that all of this unbelievable existence to have come into being by some unknown yet perfect event happening by chance, is basically mathematically impossible, especially when one looks at and examines closely the incredible intricacies of every bit of existence down to the atom to not see clearly that a vast intelligence is at work in all of this; which is far beyond our puny minds or almost insignificant meaningless opinions, when stacked up against what is really going on here!  You and I know basically nothing in comparison and to think otherwise is complete folly and I dare say stupidity on our parts if we are to think so highly of ourselves!  We only have what God has given to us and there is obviously a plan or imagination at work that will have the final say in everything here, no if’s and’s or but’s about it!  Rest assured you are part of God’s plan, but our biggest task, is to recognize that, and appreciate the opportunity sitting on our laps, while then giving due respect and love back to our Creator, because that was the only reason all of this began, was out of “His infinite love.”  We step outside of this plan or design attempting to make ourselves our own God, then we transgress the “OLD ONE,” as Einstein referred to him.  That would be quite asinine to do, don’t you think?

Einstein bust photo docu

Just this fact, that we can think as we attempt to comprehend and make these observations is obviously a miracle and gift from the “Divine Creator” of all things, which plainly tells us that we are meant to see, recognize and understand these fundamental facts, then to let our conscience and heart be our guide, which will lead us to Him in Love and Peace beyond measure, far beyond our present limited human comprehension.  As Holy Scriptures have told us, “Seek and You Will find.”

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8


Lord have mercy.  Amen.

Holy TrinityLawrence Morra

Sitting Bull Saying



Author: Lawrence Morra

Have worked in creative and news visual media as a photographer or cameraman and this POV has given me a better insight or view of the world. The Cameraman's POV. His Perspective on many things. All content on this site is copyrighted© by Lawrence Morra/Zero Lift-Off. All rights reserved. Email:

5 thoughts on “Seek and You Will Find”

    1. Wonderful Keza kindred spirit and friend!!! I’m glad we share this interest along with other important ones! Thank you for your consideration, and kind thoughts! The future is always good if we are mindful to “why we are here and what we actually can do to see the truth.” Isn’t he so amazing and OMG, I wish I was alive way back then to run into him in some university, say Princeton when he was there, and sit with others sharing thoughts and asking him about things I want to understand better! You have a most enlightening day and Shalom!
      🌞 ❤🌻🔭🌠☄
      PS See You Later!


  1. A relative just read this Blog article and sent me a text message immediately having been so moved, and as I have told many of my relatives or some friends that if they have thoughts about anything on the Blog to save it till we can talk or write to each other, as I prefer that and they usually like to do that too, because we can really get into a good discussion that helps me develop my ideas, and often times many personal feelings or experiences may come out of such a conversation that can be given more attention, than just a few sentences on the Blog. Because I know this was another ordained event for reasons I won’t go into here and “Dots were connected” again; I felt I should share this with anyone interested in this article to enhance their own inspiration or inner thoughts for good purpose.
    “Hi Lawrence, I just now had time to read your story! This story today has given me a much more vivid understanding of the world and our Creator. The past two days I had been feeling too anxious and more concerned about material matters that do not matter! I am going to try very hard to stay more focused on our Creator slowing down a bit, take one day at a time, because like you said this life here is short lived; I am realizing that now as I grow older. Thanks for writing this meaningful story today, it has me thinking a little differently now. I remember many years back when my uncle Lawrence would always tell me, “take time to stop and smell the roses!” That phrase has always been with me after all of these years I have never forgotten it and your story brought it to my consciousness so clearly! Amen.”

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