People Are Too Busy Wanting Likes to Have True Love

Artificial politically correct partisan robotic flesh beings

         Selfish Pride-the downfall of mankind

Robotic Humans increasing exponentially-Looker, Manchurian Candidates, Automatons.

“Are people becoming GMO beings far removed and altered from the original genuine article?”

Look around and see how odd and crazy human civilization has become. Why is this happening?  Is it just an accident and inevitable consequence of an evil out of control-controlled chaos, or could it be that forces which are invisible to our tactile senses are working unseen against us manipulating and altering our patterns of behavior and our very thinking processes.  These unseen enemies; that toy with us day and night if we are weak or not focused on what the actual truth and reason for our being here actually is.

Are people becoming GMO beings far removed and altered from the original genuine article?  Fake news, fake friendships and love, as people now are always taking and making sure they get what they want and not caring about what they don’t give.

Now even mRNA so called gene therapy that is altering mankind!

Where is the “humanity and love,” genuine unadulterated love, first of all for each other that has no strings attached and is unconditional; but, more importantly where is the love of God who gave us a chance to exist and be part of something that is unimaginable and so perfectly complete, full of joy, happiness, peace and tranquility forever. I wonder how many people actually think about this each and every day while simultaneously thanking God upon waking each new day for another opportunity to attain that most precious reward; saying it and meaning it. To be only intent on doing God’s will not their own flawed selfish desires!

Artificial has become a major component in the modern scheme of things now; as we the people that make artificial things are turning into artificial beings. Why are imperfect corrupted humans making artificial intelligence when we can’t even live well enough among ourselves or fix our own tragic defects; why would we even begin to think like a madman Bill Gates that we can build some intelligent being; and for what purpose to make the world more chaotic?  Have we been working so diligently to find out why people don’t all get along, and love each other or how to fix that problem that is apparently inherent in us since Cain slew his own brother Abel? I’ll put myself at the plate swinging the bat and tell you exactly who wants us to do these things causing some to think we are so wise and capable enough to make some new intelligent beings that will be working within the digital cloud; Satan is the one and only reason or motivator in this story.

Films have brushed on this topic such as “Looker” a 1981 release which “draws parallels between time wastage, virtual comatose states, and the anesthetizing, stultifying effects of television.” James Coburn plays John Reston, the wealthy head of a conglomerate with a sinister scheme involving murder in “Looker” which really sounds just like today’s big tech firms and the sorts of creepy dudes like Bill Gates that run them!  And this was before we could consider what the World Wide Web and computers or even hand held devises would do to our minds; as to what short and long term effects they would have, and here we are in the thick of it!

Subliminal effectuation of people’s minds or a kind of group hypnosis is a concept that’s been around for a long time and we could say that all forms of propaganda play into this methodology of altering the minds of populations in a sense a prodding them like cattle or sheep to move and go where the directors or controllers want them to. This is what’s been happening in societies around the globe in earnest for the last couple of decades a preparation if you will for New World Order making the masses totally subservient to the ruling class and stripping them of any real rights; be they Constitutional or human. One only look at the totalitarian state control of China with its Chinese Communist Party the sole governing political party of the People’s Republic of China had its origins in the May Fourth Movement of 1919, during which radical Western ideologies like Marxism and anarchism gained traction among Chinese intellectuals. Other influences stemming from the Bolshevik revolution and Marxist theory inspired the Communist Party of China.  Li Dazhao was the first leading Chinese intellectual who publicly supported Leninism and world revolution or in other words world conquest and control. 

But the major development in our time-frame now is the advent of digital technologies and artificial intelligence which has changed the playing field exponentially for the worst giving this ideology and its fabricators up till now unheard of or imagined capability of proliferation and dominance in an extremely rapidly changing global geopolitical forum that is changing radically and will build to an earth shattering crescendo in the very near future as the game plan is already in play and even here in the USA many internal operatives who are so called Americans and leaders are busy grooming the public for the transitional shift in policies  and standards that will be make and break for everyone but mostly break for  the masses and top of the mountain for all of the elitist globalist rulers. We can already see this evolving with outright criminal behavior on the part of our government leaders as they wheel and deal globally selling their political clout and power to influence among other leaders as they damn we the people to the dust and suffering to come while they enrich themselves and their family members or cronies becoming billionaire bloated pigs like the Pelosi family or Biden’s as just two examples amid a sea of corrupt politicians who really aren’t but are rather members of an elite legalized crime family syndicate. Make no mistake about it they are gangsters or racketeers and they never had your best interests in mind but only their own. This actually has become part and parcel the way of living in the old dog eat dog idea, as now our society is very ill and beyond life support to save it spiraling out of control toward the cataclysmic precipice to annihilation.  Look around as you play on the world wide web, the spiders web that we are all affixed to now whether you want to admit it or not, you are being consumed with it every day and some people show clear signs of being predators looking to exploit others whether it be just to get likes or to actually rip them off and steal their advantages or following. Then turn to the fact of the riots and mayhem in major cities across the nation and see the mob chaos as an example just the other day in NYC a group of mostly people of color all gang jumped and beat the tar out of a tall white man in the middle of traffic on a street like they were all insects in a swarm like behavior trying to bite and sting their quarry into submission and kill him. These to me were brainless flesh beings or they had to be driven by some form of programming in their limited minds because the only other possibility is they are being influenced by invisible demonic forces from hell. Is this the beginning of the zombie apocalypse or the anarchy that the globalists are fueling and promoting in all the ways they can to bring on chaos to then usher in the massive crushing control by brute NAZI like force upon all of us not just locking-down for a pandemic, but, instead taking over our lives, as in now you’re a prisoner and you don’t do anything unless we tell you to!

Don’t you see that we are already there and it’s been a subtle take over and mastermind plot, but, it took this massive turn last winter and spring because those puppeteers who were metering out this propaganda control saw that a few smaller groups of  powerful people like Trump and his allies said no way hold the phone this isn’t happening if we can’t take you down in court we will open the floodgate of anarchy, so both sides are now in a fever pitch confrontation which isn’t going to end pretty and either the good rises to the occasion and steps up to the plate to do what it takes to stop the devils or they will have us all by the balls in short order, you will hate your life then I assure you.

Many will want to die and will commit suicide it will be that unhappy and unbearable to take. There was a movie back in the 80’s Looker which revolved around some corporate and an added note here is we all know how devious big Pharma is with their massive brainwashing television adds; but these corporate characters that had a sinister mind control device in this story that with flashes of light had a hypnotic effect on the person it was directed at altering their perceptions and thinking.  Today we have microwave energy beam technology which is just a different portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and not the visible light spectrum this “Looker device employed,” but, sending out signals to prepped individuals with sort of robotic digital data to control actions and behaviors is here now.

And, with all of the propaganda or even our foods being manipulated genetically and chemically to alter our brainwaves don’t you see how easy this plan of attack is and how we are all victims now and even potential zombies. The police and citizen violence that seems to pop up and get out of control couldn’t this be a planned manipulation to trigger hostilities and get the masses to do just what they did with the Floyd case who actually was a brute thug drug addict and criminal who got what he was asking for by living the way he did, “live by the sword die by he sword,” then in the scuffle he resisted the police pushing his luck and the cops are dealing with these characters day in and day out getting fed up and tired too putting their lives on the line to protect and even more ungrateful society each passing month, so it won’t take much to set off a massive firestorm with such a dry tinder box sort of condition where all that is needed is a spark and you have an inferno which is what happened and over what? One black man thug died, so that really warranted burning cities down and killing innocent people in the process; but, do people flip out and burn cities anytime you heard about, when full term human babies are snuffed out day of delivery? No; because that isn’t part of any nefarious program or plan by the puppeteers and you know it.  Did Floyd, BLM, ANTIFA and all the citizens that were out of control after Floyd brought on his own demise, did any of them ever go screaming bloody murder or even having a so called peaceful protest when Full Term Day of Delivery Murder of unwanted human babies happens day in and day out?  The answer you realize is unequivocally NO!  None of those derelicts have a modicum of respect or pity for the little innocent babies; so I have ZERO for them as they are a damned lot and sentenced to damnation by their own voices or lack thereof, along with their obvious unjust actions, which they have condemned themselves by!  They’re only interested in mayhem and power, while playing political agendas! By the way, another added sidebar note here is China is the biggest baby snuffer going and actually delivered ones, born but not males or having what’s seen as other defect, and, this kind of genocide of human babies to this degree hasn’t been seen since ancient times which actually pales in comparison; when for example during the time of Moses Pharaoh Ramesses of Egypt ordered all male newborn babies to be killed or King Herod the Great of Judea did, ordering that all babies two years of age or less be disposed of. 

“The King Herod that is mentioned in the book of Matthew (Matthew 2) was made king of Judea by the Romans in 37 B.C. He died in 1 B.C. History is not very kind to Herod as it records many of his atrocities including the killing of babies. It is well established in secular writings that Herod murdered the old and young and did not even spare his wives. Herod murdered many people. He was a bloody man. Matthew 2:16 also reports he was a murderous man.  Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and set upon and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity, from two years old or under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi. Matthew 2:16 (NASB)

Everett Ferguson is a reliable author who writes the following.  Though it may be true that Herod was an extremely able ruler, it is also true that he was intensely jealous of his position. He killed the two sons of Mariamne when his suspicions were aroused that they might become the rallying point for Jewish patriotism. Mariamne herself was killed when his mind was poisoned against her by his sister. . . A man who killed a large part of his own family and arrested large numbers of the most prominent citizens with orders for their execution when he died so there would be mourning at his death (Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. 17.6.5) . . . would not have caused much of a stir by liquidating a score of children in an obscure village. Knowing of Herod’s conduct and the Jewish scruples about pork, the emperor Augustus was reported to have said that he would rather be Herod’s very pig than Herod’s son. [1]

The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus describes King Herod the Great as a very evil man.

[Herod] commanded that all the principal men of the entire Jewish nation wheresoever they lived, should be called to him. Accordingly, there were a great number that came, because the whole nation was called, and all men heard of this call, and death was the penalty of such as should despise the epistles that were sent to call them. And now the king was in a wild rage against them all, the innocent as well as those that had afforded him ground for accusations; and when they were come, he ordered them all to be shut up in the hippodrome, and sent for his sister Salome, and her husband Alexas, and spoke thus to them: — “I shall die in a little time, so great are my pains; which death ought to be cheerfully borne, and to be welcomed by all men; but what principally troubles me is this, that I shall die without being lamented, and without such mourning as men usually expect at a king’s death.” For that he was not unacquainted with the temper of the Jews, that his death would be a thing very desirable, and exceedingly acceptable to them; because during his lifetime they were ready to revolt from him, and to abuse the donations he had dedicated to God: that it therefore was their business to resolve to afford him some alleviation of his great sorrows on this occasion; for that, if they do not refuse him their consent in what he desires, he shall have a great mourning at his funeral, and such as never any king had before him; for then the whole nation would mourn from their very soul, which otherwise would be done in sport and mockery only. He desired therefore that as soon as they see he hath given up the ghost, they shall place soldiers round the hippodrome, while they do not know that he is dead; and that they shall not declare his death to the multitude till this is done, but that they shall give orders to have those that are in custody shot with their darts; and that this slaughter of them all will cause that he shall not miss to rejoice on a double account; that as he is dying, they will make him secure that his will shall be executed in what he charges them to do; and that he shall have the honor of a memorable mourning at his funeral. [2]

These quotes help us understand that King Herod the Great was wicked. So we should not be surprised that a non-Christian wrote the following about Herod’s massacre of children under the age of two that is mentioned in Matthew 2:16. The non-Christian writer is Macrobius (A.D. 395-423).

On hearing that the son of Herod, king of the Jews, had been slain when Herod ordered that all boys in Syria under the age of two to be killed, Augustus said, “It’s better to be Herod’s pig, than his son” (dicta 56 Malc.)[3]


We can thank God that there is a secular reference to Herod’s massacre of the children under the age of two. History does not record every event found in the Bible. In truth, we do not need secular history to validate the Bible. We often forget that the Bible is accurate history. But many people do not want to accept the Bible as history because they would then need to submit to its authority. It is the Word of God.” (

All of which should give you a clue to what the world will be like under such totalitarian control when truly evil men rule over we people with total earthly power and control over we humans who are spurned by Satan who directly influences such antichrist blood thirsty men.  And, if leaders or governments can do such things to babies who are innocent and pure what do you think the value of your life will be to them if they can’t use you for something, as say a slave or some guinea pig to experiment on; like the Hitler Nazis did during WWII? We are all being played with and screwed over, being prepped for a future of utter control and DEATH; the babies are the canaries in the mine shaft warning in this modern era; those innocent little martyrs that God tells us with His words in Holy Scriptures; how in the End Time many of the innocent will be Martyred! 

Another film based on a great novel and even some actual past events is the Manchurian Candidate which again delves into, the realm of mind control and basically hypnotizing individuals and planting thought patterns or even actual orders in their subconscious minds to be acted out at a precise time and place, their marching orders if you will. 

Making automatons out of human beings so they carry out an order to assassinate or blow up some building, and, even fly airplanes into buildings.  All that is needed in this scenario is the kidnapping of these individuals whereby they are then carefully programmed, with today’s technology even having nanotechnology implanted in them before anyone knows they are missing and release them; to let them go through the motions of their daily lives like they don’t have a care in the world until that precise trigger moment comes when they act like some instinctual wild animal and the predator is released to carry out a deadly act, or even some political decision, and perhaps just adds the final vote to deploy troops or shut down the Nation declaring Martial Law, and then, totalitarian control is established overnight.

But, where is this going you may ask and it’s a pretty obvious destination once you look at man’s lack or the stumbling block that has continually tripped up the human race from the beginning.  Where is the “humanity and love,” genuine unadulterated love, first of all for each other that has no strings attached and is unconditional; but, more importantly where is the love of God who gave us a chance to exist and be part of something that is unimaginable and so perfectly complete, full of joy, happiness, peace and tranquility forever.  I wonder how many people actually think about this each and every day while simultaneously thanking God upon waking each new day for another opportunity to attain that most precious reward; saying it and meaning it. It looks to me like too many people aren’t doing that and whatever they are looking for it’s either the wrong thing, or they are certainly looking in all the wrong places.

What are we to do and can we do anything about all this?  You bet your bottom dollar and the power to do it is right inside you!  Save your soul and turn to God Almighty on humble bent-knee asking for His forgiveness and all powerful loving help!  You see all these people star athletes, politicians and others these days taking a knee but they are antichrist and kneeling or submitting to an evil worldly power and prestige offering themselves up to perdition and damnation! We see the results of BLM and ANTIFA along with these take a knee fakers and takers like Kaepernick or mayor DeBlasio and Congresswoman Pelosi to name a few; nothing but ruin and hate, they are just self-glory mongers filled with evil as they serve the beast.  If you resist all that and turn to Jesus Christ on your knees in all humility He is not going to let you down ever, you have to believe that!  With Him you can face whatever will come.  He awaits your answer! God bless you.  Amen.

Lawrence Morra

I was inspired to republish this previous article that I first wrote back on September 12, 2020. While I was contemplating doing this I came upon a Pew Research Center report that I realized immediately cut to the chase of the what and why I’m so motivated to speak out to what I see going on all-around me and the entire planet as to what the cause of so much degradation is. The answer to that burning question should be and is quite obvious to those individuals who are living their lives in accordance with God’s word contained in the Holy Bible! Here in America this truth should be causing such a burning remorse because the forebears who knew what they were talking about when it came to living under tyranny were solely motivated to establish this New Republic under God being directly motivated to do it by God Himself; to allow God to raise up this Nation where Freedom would ring throughout for all of its people! Thus becoming a Nation of The People, by The People and for The People; truly a Nation under God on earth!

The Bible warns that many would be walking away from their faith in the End Time and I believe like the canary in the cage having been the warning sign of noxious poisonous gas arising in the mining operations of past generations; so as to warn the workers before they were overtaken by the poisonous gas to flee! So too we now are seeing the warning instrument of America being such a barometer of pending change which is taking place at an alarming rate,  which is to warn the faithful to not slip under the spell too!

1 Timothy 4:1-2 “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.”

Here is a portion of the report from the Pew along with the link to the entire report, which I suggest you review and pass it along to anyone who will read it.

If recent trends in religious switching continue, Christians could make up less than half of the U.S. population within a few decades

The Center estimates that in 2020, about 64% of Americans, including children, were Christian. People who are religiously unaffiliated, sometimes called religious “nones,” accounted for 30% of the U.S. population. Adherents of all other religions – including Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists – totaled about 6%.1

Depending on whether religious switching continues at recent rates, speeds up or stops entirely, the projections show Christians of all ages shrinking from 64% to between a little more than half (54%) and just above one-third (35%) of all Americans by 2070. Over that same period, “nones” would rise from the current 30% to somewhere between 34% and 52% of the U.S. population.

Chart shows U.S. Christians projected to fall below 50% of population if recent trends continue

Of course, it is possible that events outside the study’s model – such as war, economic depression, climate crisis, changing immigration patterns or religious innovations – could reverse current religious switching trends, leading to a revival of Christianity in the United States. But there are no current switching patterns in the U.S. that can be factored into the mathematical models to project such a result.

Modeling the Future of Religion in America

For me the most telling sign or harbinger of the calamity that lies just ahead not only for America but for the entire human race is the degree of increase in the lack of genuine humanity and the exponential increase in a materialistic self-serving mindset.

Selflessness is Devoid of Selfishness = Saint

Thomas Paine

Writer, Revolutionary leader

“The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Where, say some, is the king of America? I’ll tell you, friend, He reigns above.”

1776, Common Sense

John Adams

Second President of the US

“We have no government armed in power capable of contending in human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

1798, Address to the militia of Massachusetts

Benjamin Franklin

Constitutional Convention Delegate and signer of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence

“I have lived, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth — that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”

July 28, 1787, Address at the Constitutional Convention

These United States of America Founded under God part II

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high tech “everything out in the open and in your face 24/7 blasting of the brains of humans from childhood to when they die”

Well lookie here what is going on with the current BOMB Revelation that the US FBI is a Gestapo, KGB, CCP Operatives like enforcement tool and arm of the political communist left of the American Government, the Democommie/Rino Treasonous Cabal otherwise known as the Establishment Deep State; which directly interfered with the proper fair and unfettered Constitutional national election process!

The following excerpt is what I wrote back in July 2019 and again lookie here how I made sure to mention what was obvious to me all you Facebook fans especially a big heads up; that the guy at the center of the current storm Mark Zuckerberg who I always knew is a useful idiot and tool of the corrupt in this Nation under God!

Screenshot_2022-08-29 Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan FBI warned Facebook of 'Russian propaganda' before Hunter Biden lapto[...]

“You try and tell me how you separate the BS from the GENUINE AUTHENTIC TRUTH? ONLINE it’s VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE!  So, you end up taking things for face value as to what is said, but how is that worth anything?  It’s not, because I know people in actual life that talk shit and are as phony as a three dollar bill.  If you take things for face value then you are being foolish on the web, the “cyber spider’s web,” or if you don’t do that then you are filling your head with worthless garbage trying to have a life of value in an artificial “disingenuous” world of BS and Lies with a smidgen of truth here or there!

Come on, in this secular modern world you or anyone isn’t going to tell me that it’s all cool and no worries and I’m going to suck it up, no way, no how!  I’m not falling for this load of horse shit that the public is sucking up as fast as it can be fed to them!  You’re all becoming a mob of SHEEPLE, being primed and prepared for slaughter!  I’d venture to guess that at least 90% of what you hear on the net is BS just like

Madison Avenue hype and propaganda to promote products, that which we people “CONSUMERS” have become, being brainwashed and fed continuous trash,  now even we the “products” to be implemented online to draw in attention and DOLLARS!  We live in a world of “money makes the world go round” and now it’s truer than ever with the cyber world.  Capturing an audience on handheld devices now is a 24/7 trillion dollar industry with clowns like Mark Zuckerberg the punk kid that became a billionaire overnight for what?  He is worthless, and less than that to me!  Sold his soul to Satan the material God!  I don’t listen to punk ass dip-shits like him about anything.  ZERO character and substance with that bought and paid for tool.”

So take the time to watch the excellent Tucker Carlson report on Fox News and then if you care to read the rest of what I wrote back in 2019 be my guest and thank you for keeping your mind open to Truth!

Here is a comment a viewer of the Fox News breaking story had to say about Zuckerberg’s breaking voice!   And before you go having sympathy  for that dirty little tool of a man remember how he set up so many other algorithms to promote Hillary and other dirty political players and quashed Trump’s or any number of other conservatives; even little people like you and me that had our opinions tossed in the toilet!

Screenshot_2022-08-29 Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan FBI warned Facebook of 'Russian propaganda' before Hunter Biden lapto[...](2)


25 August, 2022

“Zuckerberg had some serious tremble in his voice and fear on his face when he said this. He’s trying to get ahead of something to come out now. I’d say the FEDS are threatening him and the exposure may keep him breathing. If anything happened to him now, everyone knows the FEDS did it.”

Screenshot_2022-08-29 Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan FBI warned Facebook of 'Russian propaganda' before Hunter Biden lapto[...](1)

Oh yea, Mark is in the hot seat no matter how you  look at it and just like many FBI operatives are going to the Big House according to Steve  Bannon; I say so is this player Zuckerberg when all is said and done!

The Full Previous Blog Post begins here.

Here’s what I finally had to say about a discussion about a female sexual predator case on the posts after this counterpart of mine said something very wise!

First her comment: “which explains WHAT HAS HAPPENED & continues to happen/and be done with and to AMERICANS and (at least to a large degree if not fully) to the majority of people in the Western world.  Attention: Wealth, Education & Social Position will not save you from being brainwashed and totally brainwashed till your brain becomes tabula rasa–dead as a stone.”

Wow; you’ve got to be making some good friends in the world because you made one here; and I don’t say that easily to most people!  You just hit the proverbial nail on the head in regard to the underbelly of what is really going on in our conscious and subconscious narratives in this high tech everything out in the open and in your face 24/7 blasting of the brains of humans from childhood to when they die, but we always stop to point a finger or two and even punch some MF’s in the face for stepping over the line, but we ignored all the sign posts all over the place and the big F-N hole in our own personal credibility even if for only being such dumb asses all along!  Time to clean up the act but that won’t come easy because this insane world we live in is based on Money and Power and them’s that got it and them’s that don’t!

This paradigm is screwed from the GET GOES!  How do we fix stupid and totally broken?  Can’t; not anytime soon folks!  So we shovel some shit into the furnace for today then pat ourselves on the back for not letting some of that shit get loose when all along the shit is stacked higher than the clouds!  We live in shit and eat it without even knowing it or in the least admitting it!

Like in the old Francis Ford Coppola film “Apocalypse Now,” Dennis Hopper says the line when talking to Martin Sheen about crazy Col. Walter Kurtz, “This is the way the fucking world ends.  Look at this fucking shit we’re in man.  Not with a bang, but with a whimper.  And with a whimper, I’m fucking splitting, Jack.” He sees all the hell but isn’t willing to help the Capt. take down the “Mad Dog” or out of control “evil renegade commander” that the CIA and the entire Pentagon want offed anyway possible, killed!

Is that what we have here shit stacked so high that everyone figures it’s not my problem so I’m out of here or what’s the use anyway?  It seems like it’s all relative or in a sense relativity, if you think you’re not part of it then it must be a time warp and you just can’t do anything about such a thing, or maybe this is a better way of saying it, let’s KICK the MFING can down the road till we need to blow somebody else up so we can say, “see, there we did something about this mess!”   Aren’t, we all so nice and trying hard to live right; NOT!

Lawrence Morra

RED FLAG NOTE HERE: at the very end please watch Glenn Beck and Rob Schneider having a great conversation that will give you more good!  

Amended on July 17, 2019 due to some commentary I had to leave with another blogger’s post that ties right into this subject and narrative!

You’ve published your photos and advocated for one thing or another have you not?  So to me you have become a public image shared by virtual strangers and trust being in the public forum discussing personal circumstances or even missteps, which is sharing what was once held as private domain.  What the hell is the point to having a personal life if one forfeits privacy and shares personal life with strangers?  I see how the movie stars of yesteryear used to be famous and quite good at what they did on the silver screen gaining fame and fortune and a public that adored them.  But then, they were very guarded with personal circumstances and family keeping those things in their inner most sanctum private as best they could because the two lives the one up on the screen and the one at home with family were two different things or worlds if I can say it that  way.  I just see way too many people all over the net being idiots in my book pretending this or that or seeking ways to get more likes.  For shits sake I was wrapping myself up in trying to help animals, something I’ve done all my adult life and then getting in tune with certain persons online or groups I found that they were so self-serving or only interested in getting more popularity!  HUMILITY is what I respect not all these people online saying look at me or I have 100,000 followers and the like!  And most of the animal rights people were hell-bent on saving any animal that I or anyone brought to the public’s attention on the cyber venue but those same people most of them females were doing nothing for and wouldn’t if I asked them to help the UNBORN babies, even now day of delivery in New York and other crazy places!  That spoke volumes to me and made me weak in my knees and sick to my stomach both figuratively and literally, then I blew my lid and was freaking mad at people and still am for allowing this shit to come upon us all; and all because each person was way too busy self-serving and getting what they could of material value or boosting egos!   “Humility” is in short supply in this world of take, take and get what you can while you can!

Look at scum like the Clinton’s or Obama’s and the Bushes too, all wealthy because somewhere along the line they saw a way to screw the public over and get rich in the process while lying through their teeth!  Again I say, look at all these people online saying look at me or I have 100,000 followers and the like! SO WHAT, it means nothing in the reality of what is meant to be important and a person’s worth.  Lots of “lip service” too, people will say this or that and behind closed doors something totally different is going on!  You try and tell me how you separate the BS from the GENUINE AUTHENTIC TRUTH? ONLINE it’s VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE!  So, you end up taking things for face value as to what is said, but how is that worth anything?  It’s not, because I know people in actual life that talk shit and are as phony as a three dollar bill.  If you take things for face value then you are being foolish on the web, the “cyber spider’s web,” or if you don’t do that then you are filling your head with worthless garbage trying to have a life of value in an artificial “disingenuous” world of BS and Lies with a smidgen of truth here or there!

Come on, in this secular modern world you or anyone isn’t going to tell me that it’s all cool and no worries and I’m going to suck it up, no way, no how!  I’m not falling for this load of horse shit that the public is sucking up as fast as it can be fed to them!  You’re all becoming a mob of SHEEPLE, being primed and prepared for slaughter!  I’d venture to guess that at least 90% of what you hear on the net is BS just like Madison Avenue hype and propaganda to promote products, that which we people “CONSUMERS” have become, being brainwashed and fed continuous trash,  now even we the “products” to be implemented online to draw in attention and DOLLARS!  We live in a world of “money makes the world go round” and now it’s truer than ever with the cyber world.  Capturing an audience on handheld devices now is a 24/7 trillion dollar industry with clowns like Mark Zuckerberg the punk kid that became a billionaire overnight for what?  He is worthless, and less than that to me!  Sold his soul to Satan the material God!  I don’t listen to punk ass dips shits like him about anything.  ZERO character and substance with that bought and paid for tool.  Like I was saying about the animal rights cause or even the Sierra Club which has now become a front for political activists and radicals who promote multiple warped and twisted agendas in society, but use the nature and wildlife theme to drawn in millions from saps to be used for political agendas; in other words what used to be an organization about hiking trails and preservation of open space has now morphed into a corrupted scheme by many nefarious persons to bilk others or get their way and more MONEY, and along with that POWER, and the internet has made this all possible practically overnight!

The shit is stacking up so high in this modern twisted high tech world that there is only one way it can end up!  And that day is coming fast, we are looking straight into the face of “Armageddon” and doing nothing about it, just like the deer in the headlights which I’ve personally witnessed driving semi’s and now witness in an upside-down culture of trickery and stupidity!  Practically everyone is too busy sticking their head into the cyber trap and doing jack about the REAL DEAL!  Trump and Pompeo and a few others with them may be able to kick some butt, although I’m sorry to say the cat is out of the bag and much too big for anyone now to contain.  TOO LITTLE TOO LATE!!!

PS If I have challenged you with my abrupt and even harsh rhetoric then good; because we all need to be, all, and as a matter of fact we all need to be chastised and corrected because we are doing wrong, every one of us is screwing up in some way or at some moment!  Sure we are imperfect and human and can make mistakes but much of the wrong people are doing is avoidable and inexcusable and that gets into being evil, which I’ve experienced in my midst and people were evil with political wicked agendas and out to protect their own bottom line of past corruption and continuing nefarious ways.  I’ll say this and leave it to anyone reading all of this, dump all I said and me into your own private garbage pail, but I think we all need a WAKE UP CALL, me INCLUDED!

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This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more info go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Hey a late arrival here; I was watching Glenn Beck and Rob Schneider.  And I used to like Rob way back on Saturday Night Live Classic days, but I went against the shows later platform of too liberal, the CRT Wokeism crap; and stopped watching the show.  But much of what these two guys rap about in an entertaining way is REAL talk about the current mess this Nation and World is in from the truly right perspective of honest to goodness TRUTH!  I actually was happy to see that Rob is a very funny man but also very boldly honest, as well a more conservative freethinker who now is a Republican who does believe in God, family, honor and country!  So if you are bored or just want to relax and listen to these guys talk about some very important critical points relating to our upside-down world, but in a way where you can take it in and not get more angry, then you found a good place to hang your hat or take off your shoes for an hour and a half right here!  Yea, give your dogs some air here! Go for it!

August 31st another red flag alert: this excerpt from their discussion showed up in today’s Daily Wire.

‘I Don’t Care About My Career’: Rob Schneider Says He’s ‘Absolutely’ Willing To Lose Everything
By Virginia Kruta
Aug 30, 2022

“This is like the dog days, 1942, late ’42, and like — their friends were getting blown out of the sky,” Schneider explained. “They would go over in the bombers and half would come back, two thirds would come back, you know, but they were dying.”

After an especially rough period, Schneider said that they went to the Air Force chaplain and asked why they should continue to fly. He noted that they never said they weren’t prepared to keep flying — only that they wanted to understand why they should.

“Humanity has come out of the dark ages,” the chaplain explained, according to Schneider. “We’ve come out of where people get burned at the stake and people believe and go along with this. There’s a darkness that we have come out of into more of an enlightened period. … This is a step back into the … darkest parts of humanity and we need to stand up for that.”

“So they all flew,” Schneider said then, and Beck pointed out: “And we are there again.”

“Yeah, and it requires a new set of fliers,” Schneider agreed.

This comment on The Daily Wire and the subsequent answer to it spell out what is happening because it must; and the gate has been opened!


“That story about the pilots standing up to the darkest part of humanity made me appreciate the 20 or so FBI whistleblowers who have come forward.

It also makes me wonder why that in an agency which employs 35,000 people, only 20 or so have come forward.”


“The first few through the ‘wall’ get bloodied the worst, but at the same time clear the path for those that follow…”

© Copyright 2022, The Daily Wire LLC

Why are We here; Is it Worth Being Born?

“Total humility is the beginning of acceptance and understanding”

First this life and my thoughts now aren’t about believing in Santa Claus or not!

A year passed and have things changed; not really the same game but worse!

Let me ask you; do you really prefer to think that not being born would be better for you and your children? Because I can absolutely guarantee you that is exactly what the Devil wants you to believe, that master of all lies wants any of us to think we are defeated before we start.  Start what you might say with; how about the greatest and most magnificent journey that the brightest of minds couldn’t imagine in a million years! A way for everything to add up and come out perfect! Who else can sort all of this out, but the author of existence, certainly we mere inklings of a shadowy concoction of energy, matter and substance don’t have a fart in the winds chance of coming up with The Solution to all that has, is and will be happening on this planet our home we call earth.

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You see I’ve learned that God absolutely exists and God’s purposes and Plans are all that matter not we free willed sometimes foolish, silly or arrogant creations of; His. Total humility is the beginning of acceptance and understanding” that we are here for a God given reason not our imperfect sometimes self-righteous thinking or vision of what this has to be about living among the dead as we do; for I say to you this isn’t really living not with a price on all of our heads that says nobody gets out alive! We are looking with eyes half shut or in many cases wide shut in which case even though we think they are open they see nothing, not the Truth of God; never really seeing the length and depth of all that is really going on, and is always beyond our grasp; yet it’s as plain and simple as the morning turns to night and after the night a new dawn comes. No degree in rocket science required, only a genuine humble heart on bent knee which will open not only your heart to God but will open up the ultimate world of possibility and endless love!  Something must bridge that enormous GAP for us, and that can only be the One who set this all in motion to begin with! Being BORN into this at times so chaotic and even rotten world is I assure you a Blessing, and no matter who it is or what they have or don’t have, being able to exist is our one sure ticket to the Ultimate Destination.  Which is to be with God the One who made this all possible and is always waiting first for our recognition of Him to acknowledge we know we are helpless babes in the woods and need Him above all there is in this existence! That He must be our primary focus and then to learn with His unrelenting undivided help and attention; to Trust in Him!  If we are making this connection as individuals that I’m speaking about to you placing Him front and center in our lives, then that will ensure us of our lives being worth something and a whole lot more than we can ever come up with or concoct on our own for being here in the first place!

Life is the most beautiful incomparable gift and blessing of absolute LOVE! We are suffering here and some so much more than others;many through NO fault of their own but the world is riddled with sin and evils that effect even the most innocent among us!  What’s fair and fun about that you might ask, and I say not much, that at times to me really sucks, that so much pain and suffering is going on and so many dreams and hopes getting dashed or crushed under the enormous weight and burden of sin, imperfection, stupidity, hate and the list goes on as you are well aware I’m sure! But for this to all get sorted out and for any of us to make heads or tails of it all, is a fool’s  errand, unless we have God on our side, you hear that; God on our side. He actually is, that is why this whole damned world didn’t get wiped away like so much chaff in the wind long ago, to our concept of time; but really a flickering flame to God which He hasn’t extinguished yet!  We are absolutely at His Mercy and He wants us with Him in His Glory!  How do we get that you might wonder here; we start by wanting Him so badly that it becomes our life force and breath our very REASON for LIVING, so we can be a part of His heavenly eternal Glorious and totally wonderful kingdom! I see it clear my friend, we are so lucky to be here and each of us will be nothing but dust, these bodies in the end, with our souls damned to oblivion or complete separation from God’s glory, his eternal kingdom; not even being a memory without God setting the record straight and bringing absolute Justice to all things in His good time when it is appropriate for any of us!

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Now that was coming from my own heart that God has opened and restored countless times because due to my own errors and shortcomings, He knows I belong to Him though I don’t deserve to in a sense, yet I do;  because I decided with my Own Heart that I want to and must if I’m to be worth anything after it’s all said and done and this carcass I occupy is eventually in the dirt where it belongs, “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak;” but my soul belongs to Him my Maker, who Gives, who gives all things; to those who love Him back! But how much grander is what comes for us if we stay strong in our faith no matter what, and “keep Jesus Christ front and center in our hearts and minds!”

Universe docu final
The star-forming region NGC 3603 – seen here in the latest Hubble Space Telescope image – contains one of the most impressive massive young star clusters in the Milky Way. Bathed in gas and dust the cluster formed in a huge rush of star formation thought to have occurred around a million years ago. The hot blue stars at the core are responsible for carving out a huge cavity in the gas seen to the right of the star cluster in NGC 3603’s centre.

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 But as Scripture says:

“No eye has seen,

no ear has heard,

and no mind has imagined

the things that God has prepared

for those who love him.”

Love must be a two way street and we can never give a fraction of what God is giving or ultimately offering!

Saint Dismas a scoundrel of a man and bad dude before he met Jesus Christ who was nailed to the cross next to his, he Dismas to the right side of Jesus saw all that transpired that day his final day, when his heart opened up like never before watching this man who said He is the Son of the Father in the heavenly Kingdom saying things like, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do!” Dismas was so rapt in awe he asked this dying man the Savior to just remember me when you join your Father in Your kingdom. He as then in that moment being honest and humble having admitted he deserved every bit of what he was getting being tied to a cross and crucified for all of his crimes against men, as well wasting his life being a scoundrel, but, then surely as Dismas correctly said to Jesus, in essence his meaning being; you deserve none of what they have done to you, you have to be who you say you are, just by how you are forgiving these same people doing this to you, you have shown not even one complaint or modicum of anger or hatred, you are praying for them instead!

“One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

    —Luke 23:39–43 (NIV)

And so Dismas then asking Jesus in all humility and heart felt compassion not thinking in the slightest that he deserved even this opportunity to ask, the Messiah; “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” (verses 42-43).


“As Jesus was hanging on the cross, paying our penalty for sin, He made a promise to a dying, repentant thief.  By the grace of God and the power of Christ, that promise was kept. The thief’s sins were washed away, and his death that day was his entrance to paradise.”

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What does “if God is for us, who can be against us” mean in Romans 8:31?

Romans 8:31 says, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” The “things” are the dozens of amazing proofs of God’s unfailing love listed in the preceding verses. Romans 8 contains many of the cherished verses that comfort us, such as “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (verse 1). And the one that gets us through difficult times: “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (verse 28). Verse 31 of Romans 8 is a culmination of all those wonderful promises. It reminds us who God is and how He helps us. When we grasp the truth that God is for us, we have nothing to fear.

God is “for” us in the sense that He is on our side; He is working on our behalf and for our good. He has proved His benevolence in that He has adopted us (Romans 8:15), He has given us His Spirit (verses 16–17, 26–27), and He has determined to save us (verses 29–30).

The follow-up question, “who can be against us?” is rhetorical. It’s another way of saying, “There is no one who could possibly be more powerful than God” or “No one can destroy us.” The idea is not that we will never face opposition; it’s simply that our opposition is doomed to failure. They may be against us, but not successfully against us. Since God is on our side, we have nothing to worry about.

Romans 8:31 is an echo of other passages that say the something similar:

Psalm 118:6 says, “The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

2 Kings 6:16: “‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet [Elisha] answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’”

Psalm 56:9: “My enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me.”

Hebrews 13:6: “So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’”

Psalm 27:1: “The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?”

Sometimes our hearts respond to verses like this with consternation: “I’ll tell you who can be against me! The IRS, my in-laws, terrorists, corrupt politicians—” and the list goes on. Our real-life enemies seem to overshadow the ideas conveyed in Romans 8. Despite spiritual promises, we still have to endure physical, mental, and emotional struggles—so much so that we may wonder if God is truly for us.

The man who penned Romans 8:31 (Paul) faced the same struggles we face and many more. He lists some of his sufferings in 2 Corinthians 11:22–28 as proof that he did not write from a plastic bubble of ethereal peace. However, his intimate relationship with the risen Christ had become his all-consuming passion. He said he considered everything else “garbage” compared to knowing Christ (Philippians 3:7–9). He had learned the secret of contentment, whether he was celebrated or imprisoned, and he stated that secret: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13, BSB).

So when Paul writes, “If God is for us, who can be against us,” he is comparing earthly opposition to the eternal power and presence of Almighty God—and he declares the winner. No one can overcome God’s love for us.

Jesus taught the same thing. In Luke 12:4–5, Jesus said, “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.” His point, as was Paul’s, is that, no matter what may happen to us here on earth, there is a higher reality. There is a bigger war than the one we think we face, and God is the ultimate winner (Ephesians 6:12). If we are on His side, then we will win, too. (Revelation 21:7–8, 27).”

I Lawrence say with absolute confidence God is with us right now and never leaves our sides but we do have crosses to carry while here which is absolutely worth it! He Jesus Christ overcame all of this conflict and suffering and did it out of “Pure Absolute Love” and I tell you as I look around this world, me an imperfect nobody, I see so much I wouldn’t want to be any part of, yet I’m so happy to be dealing with the blood, sweat and tears of it all; because I have a shot through Jesus Christ of making sure that my life a gift from God was and is all worth it because He overcame all obstacles to Paradise; our path is to follow Him our Lord Savior and Redeemer. Amen.

I knowing through and by my own heart with Him Jesus Christ that we are going to make it there to the Promised Land, Hallelujah!


God bless you brothers and sisters!

Brother in Christ Jesus,

Lawrence Morra III

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HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance to Free Humanity from the Totalitarian Regime (VIDEO)

“Satan himself pushing the agenda of the Mark of the Beast and Global Control”

By Joe Hoft

Published November 17, 2021 at 9:46pm


Republication by Lawrence Morra III

Zero Lift-Off  Only The Beginning

For sharing and informational purposes on this platform only.

November 20, 2021

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò appealed to Catholics, Christians, and people of Faith to unite against the dark forces of globalism. 

Archbishop Viganò sent The Gateway Pundit his video and Appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance.

Please watch his moving call for unity, courage, strength, and faith.

Archbishop Viganò shared this moving text and video with us on Wednesday.  The video and text are an international call for the creation of an anti-globalist alliance to defeat the evil elites who wish to enslave free men and women and promote a “Religion of Humanity that cancels Faith in Christ.”

From Archbishop Viganò:

“This Anti-Globalist Alliance will have to bring together the Nations that intend to escape the infernal yoke of tyranny and affirm their own sovereignty, forming agreements of mutual collaboration with Nations and peoples who share their principles and the common yearning for freedom, justice, and goodness. It will have to denounce the crimes of the elite, identify those responsible, denounce them to international tribunals, and limit their excessive power and harmful influence. It will have to prevent the action of the lobbies, above all by fighting against the corruption of state officials and those who work in the information industry, and by freezing the capital used to destabilize the social order.”

The whole pandemic issue is instrumental to the Great Reset, and it is the latter that we must fight. I think that, at this moment, it is most appropriate to create a movement of the people that calls together, in an Anti-globalist Alliance, Catholics, Christians, and people of goodwill.  This is the first appeal I make to that effect.

…If the attack is global.  The defense must also be global.

Here is a text of Archbishop Viganò’s message (see video of the same message below)

But for many decades all of this was unfolding and being carefully planned by the most nefarious diabolical humans on earth directed by “Satan himself pushing the agenda of the Mark of the Beast and Global Control” for the Antichrist to take his throne as god and totally crushing any worship of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; so that Satan rules mankind and forces all to worship him via the Antichrist!

I saw this graphically occurring on September 11, 2001when just having a late breakfast I turned on the TV to see the weather report  and instead saw the Twin Trade Towers in NYC being destroyed in real time from start to finish!  Being so shocked and in tears I ran out to my immediate neighbor’s home that was a retired couple to see how they were if they were acting seeing this horrible thing happening on their television too which they were and had me sit with them as we all were shocked to tear together! The gentleman and his wife both had served in the US Army in World War II and I felt so bad that they were witnessing this evil in our own Nation under God!

Mind you; these two videos when I just watched them again make me tear up immediately again to see such evil is so rampant in our world and getting far worse now all these years later with the conducting of mass depopulation, Crimes Against Humanity and other horrors upon the peoples of tis world!  These two videos I was able to find are new to me and I only saw them for the first time yesterday when I prayed to God through Jesus Christ to help me say something worthwhile to people out there especially now that I was going to post my one thousandth essay/article on Word Press!  I hope that it’s exactly what I felt God’s Holy Spirit telling me; that my feelings and effort are serving some purpose for Him doing His will; and that is all I care about!

But the really profound thing about all of this is what I had looked at just  prior to Archbishop Viganò’s message and then stumbling as it seemed upon these videos instantaneously after when I had just seen another blog essay prior to all of this unfolding, which to me struck me clearly as what the false teachers or prophets peddle all over the place now; the false prophets and liars of our age that do not know God Almighty or seek him as they are the blind leading the blind with false religions, paganism or this New Age nonsense of all religions can unite as one, or just love and that is the answer to anything; even our fallibility and coming death!

Surrender is faith that the power of love can accomplish anything… even when you cannot foresee the outcome. ~Deepak Chopra

In other words more lies that are telling people to ignore Jesus Christ and what He said; and more importantly who He said and proved He is!  The Living God Almighty our Creator and none come to the Father but through Him Jesus Christ!  They remind of me of John Lennon’s false religion song “Imagine” which is all about a false belief system and basically communism and a rejection of Jesus Christ being who He told us or the world He is! That song is just what the false prophet non pope Bergoglio is chanting and projecting to the world from his Marxist ideology and Satanism Freemason beliefs!


Do you think that this Diabolical Evil from hell was or is going to be stifled or not continue to escalate the Final War upon Humanity?

I recall thinking how this event of 911 was a line in the sands of time and prophecy a specific demarcation point in the battle for justice which had been crossed by Satan in this ensuing Battle between Heaven and Hell that began with the great fall; now passing through an hour glass to the end of this world as we know it. As if all-time is passing through this figurative hour glass!

I couldn’t see how this wasn’t the beginning of the most horrific evils being unleashed from hell, with our high tech modern age going in the direction it is; with AI taking a grip on humanity while many power mongers gloating with earthly power want all they can grab and only seeing an opportunity to cease all earthly power now as they are driven and possessed by Satan!

This by Archbishop Viganò is the opposite of what this other blogger was spewing to lost fools dragging them to Hell.

Abp. Viganò calls people of faith to unite worldwide to join the anti-globalist alliance to free humanity from this totalitarian regime! I hope you all get it now if you haven’t up to this point; because your immortal soul is at stake!

Viganò on Deep State

Viganò on NWO reset

Who’s Behind The 5G Cull Of Humanity?

D is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy

Breaking The UN:  De-funding a Globalist, Dependent-Upon-Us Mortal Enemy.

The UN is now a Globalist, predominantly Marxist and Moslem, anti-American and anti-sovereignty, corrupt, criminal enterprise.  It needs to be broken.

Vic Biorseth, Friday, May 06, 2016

“The Vatican, along with the draconian infiltration of the trained militants of the Jesuit Order, bring their combined objectives to infiltrate all world governments and cultures with the ultimate goal of achieving global satanism. This includes the implementation of Armageddon software and instigating wars and conflicts in partnership with the NAA. The Jesuits are behind the key soft kill methods being used in the attempt to accelerate the death rate for global depopulation and eugenic models through deploying and weaponizing multiple toxic exposures: GMOs, vaccine injections, chemtrails, radiation, nuclear and toxic waste ‘accidents’ and the transhumanist agenda. Their sinister plan is to destroy sovereign nations and cultural identity in so to lay the groundwork for the one world religion, which is based upon the open acceptance of practicing Satanism by the ruling elite satanic families. The cornerstone of these depraved practices includes child sexual abuse, child sexual ritual, human blood sacrifice, blood drinking and cannibalism. Packaged as a religion that is desired and promoted by non-human alien entities, assorted lunar forces and demonic spirits, these most vile planetary controllers carry out abhorrent anti-human agendas. Covered in opulent robes, they publicly profess to be devout men of God praying for world peace, while behind closed doors, the top echelon is negotiating to incite terrorism, war and run child trafficking rings to every corner of the globe. Pedophilia is a prime tool used by the NAA to conquer various races, planets and solar systems. This is why it’s prevalent in the organizations they control, such as the Vatican, the Catholic Church and Washington, DC.”

~Lisa Renee

These elaborate satanic rituals are meticulously well organized to directly communicate and interact with the anti-Christ forces, mainly nonhuman entities. Through black magic sorcery, human sacrifice and blood harvesting, they receive detailed instructions from the off planet anti-Christ forces, to carry out the next moves for their One World Order agenda. These black magic rituals, with child sacrifices, go back to the NAA invasion and the introduction of the Kabbalah teachings, when the Artificial Tree of Life and demonic hierarchies were presented in Babylon by the Saturnian blood worshippers. This spiritual template is still being used by Satanists and Luciferians worldwide, it is their religion. Some believe they are the descendants of superior alien Gods and through the practice of blood ritual sacrifices, it gives them the means by which to contact demonic entities and their spiritual master, Satan or Lucifer, and carry out his wishes. Satanists and Luciferians are masterful deceivers who cloak themselves in many assorted names and labels, which go way beyond the Church of Rome, choosing their disguise to hide behind many different religions, atheism or secret societies. This makes them appear to be separate groups, but they are actually running the world under the same unifying umbrella of hidden satanic practices.

Packaged as a religion that is desired and promoted by non-human alien entities, assorted lunar forces and demonic spirits, these most vile planetary controllers carry out abhorrent anti-human agendas. Covered in opulent robes, they publicly profess to be devout men of God praying for world peace, while behind closed doors, the top echelon is negotiating to incite terrorism, war and run child trafficking rings to every corner of the globe.

Global Oligarchy, Forces of Darkness, and the Spirit of Antichrist

Forces Darkness Within Church and State

Linda Kimball, Friday, July 30, 2021

According to the Apostle Paul, spirits of wickedness thrown down from the third heaven are dispersed in a multitude throughout the first heaven. It is with this abode of fallen angels and demons that Indian god-men (2), shaman, and contemporary New Age mediums interact and to which astral plane travelers from the time of Nimrod to our own have been visiting:

“Western observers began participating in shamanistic sessions involving hallucinogenic plants, (and) found, to their astonishment, that they could have experiences similar to those described by shamans.” ‘Life’ magazine popularized shamanism in a 1957 story, “In Mexico, American banker Gordon Wasson ate psilocybin mushrooms in a session conducted by (a) shaman.” Wasson described to ‘Life’s’ readers his experience of “flying out of his body.” Narby and Huxley report that “hundreds of thousands of people read Wasson’s account, and many followed his example.” (Modern Shamanism: Spirit Contact & Spiritual Progress, James Herrick, p. 17, from “On Global Wizardry, edited by Peter Jones)

When the soul comes out of its’ body upon its death, it is immediately within the realm of evil spirits. According to early Church Fathers, if the soul is that of a faithful believer it will be met by one of Gods’ Holy Angels and escorted to the third heaven. If not, it will meet with deceiving, malignant spirits.

Shamanists and practicing occultists such as Carl Jung know that all about us and even here on earth there exist powerful, intelligent, evil beings that move so fast we cannot see them, who emit rays outside the spectrum of our vision and communicate among themselves on a wavelength beyond what man can hear and apprehend, thus they can observe us, inflate our most disordered, evil passions, overcome our wills, and influence our dreams and thoughts for good or bad. They can also, by way of telepathy or automatic writing, transmit through someone like Nietzsche or Carl Jung teachings from the demonic realm.

According to the highly celebrated Jung, Philemon, a winged, horned demon, supervised and inspired the writing of the “Seven Sermons to the Dead.” Jung described the occasion like this:

“The whole house was…crammed full of spirits. They were packed deep right up to the door, and the air was so thick I could hardly breathe…Then it began to flow out of me, and in the course of three evenings the thing (Septem Sermones ad Mortuos) was written.” (Jung relates how his soul departed into the timeless realm)…the mystical land of the dead (and) soon after the….’dead’ appeared to me and the result was the Septem Sermones.” (To Hell and Back, Maurice S. Rawlings, M.D., p.143)

Spirits can, and do, influence the minds of God-hating evolutionary humanists who then trumpet the demonic ‘isms’ dropped into their minds as their own brilliant ideas and do the work of devils by leading astray millions of people with their damnable soul-destroying teachings.

Uncovered Demons Lashing Out in Evil Desperation

The Rat Becomes Dangerous When Cornered. In Our Religion, Politics And Culture We Now See Ever Increasing Evil Desperation.

Vic Biorseth, Friday, October 12, 2018

The whole evil goal of the evil Multicutural-Diversity Movement is to make man more Worldly, and less Spiritual. To falsify, embellish and over-emphasize the Material World over Eternity. To amplify all worldly passions and portray them as “good” and “natural” and “scientific”, and their acceptance by man as “Progress”. To have the Darkness overcome the Light.

Again, the goal of Jesus is Division.  And again, Satan Unites.

Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

And a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not up his cross, and followeth me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for me, shall find it. He that receiveth you, receiveth me: and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me.

He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive the reward of a prophet: and he that receiveth a just man in the name of a just man, shall receive the reward of a just man. And whosoever shall give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.  Matt 10:32-42

These are the quoted words of Jesus Christ, the Lord thy God. We either take Him at His Word, or we do not. That is the eternal dividing point.

We see today the outraged and enraged Leftist Loony-Tunes acting out with screaming obscenities and even violence, rehearsed and orchestrated by the Marxocrat Party, Funded by the likes of George Soros, organized by Alinskyians and continuously incited by the overheated rhetoric of the likes of Maxine Waters.

Over what?

Over the mere possibility of the Darkness being overcome by the Light.

Over the discovery of the true nature of the Cultural Marxism Movement and the now culturally blessed concept of Free Love, brought into the culture by the Sexual Revolution, the Contraceptive Mentality, and the joyful sexual experimentation brought to us through “Progress”. Or Regress, depending on whether you stand in the Darkness or the Light.

Over the slightest possibility of the shutting down of the evil, Satanic, Marxocrat Party’s Central Sacrament of Abortion.

And, of course, over perhaps Satan’s greatest achievement, the cultural acceptance, blessing and legal protection of the “Lifestyles” of Sodom and Gomorrah. And the establishment in law of LGBT “Rights”.

Culturally Marxist and therefore “Progressive” Upper Academia today incorporates anti-American and anti-civilization Marxism and Homosexuality into all formative education, from elementary school all the way through the most advanced university degree programs. Whatever else is taught, pro-Marxism, anti-Capitalism and unnatural sex are also taught in the background. Along with the instilling of hostility toward America and American history, the American Constitution, white people, men, Christianity, Christians, the bourgeois independent working class, corporations, and all those among the most successful rich people who are not Marxist or otherwise anti-American.

Here’s how we described it in Normalizing LGBT, without again repeating the details quoted from Wilson’s Corrupted Senate:

Where did this “Normalizing” of LGBT come from?

Globalist Pope Francis’ Marxist Program to End All Sovereign Nations.

Our Globalist Pope leads the attack on all National Sovereignty to bring an end to all national borders in favor of Total Global Disorder, ostensibly for the good of the Planet and the Poor.

Vic Biorseth, Tuesday, April 11, 2017

We have spoken of Pope Francis’ obvious Marxism among the Papal Imperfections Pages, among other places.  His unfailing support of Marxism’s total global agenda leads to one possible conclusion, that he may actually be a Radical Marxist Revolutionary in deep disguise.  Or, of course, he could be stupid; a mere Marxist Useful Idiot.  Or something somewhere in between, like a Progressive.  Whatever he is, he opposes national sovereignty and the right of nations to have borders and rules of entry.  And, whether he believes it or not, he fervently supports the Marxist-Globalist-driven Climate Change hoax aimed at all nations subordinating themselves to Global Governance, for the good of the planet.

(And for the good of Globalism.)

Without naming names, specifically without naming President Trump, Pope Francis has embarked on a program directly opposing anti-illegal immigration “Right Wing Populism” in all sovereign nations with borders.  He wants all nations to allow floods of un-vetted, undocumented, aliens to enter their borders without restriction.

Dr. Taylor Marshall select video clips.

No need to apply for immigration papers at any embassy, no need for any immigration papers, no need to do anything the law requires in any nation, or even to enter through the appropriate entry points.  Just flood right on in, from any point on any border.  And bring your Marxism and/or your Islamism with you, right on into your new host country.

Lots of Cardinals, Bishops and Priests have jumped on Francis’ Globalist bandwagon and are welcoming criminal aliens with open arms, all over America.  Publishing foreign language lists of “rights” for them to learn and take advantage of, as if they were citizens with citizen’s rights, and not criminal aliens at all.

The Washington Post reports on How Francis is Leading the Catholic Church against the anti-Globalist notion of Nationhood.  There you can read about how high ranking American Catholic clerics ware working feverishly to destroy American sovereignty, in the name of the Poor.


It’s really in the name of Globalism, and in the name of the ruler of the Globe.

This is not merely opposition to America.  It is opposition to true Justice, in the name of Marxist Social Justice, and in the promotion of National Suicidal Diversity, in the promotion of Global Class Warfare, and in direct opposition to the unique American civil rights to Equality, Life, Liberty and Property.

We can understand, if not forgive, Pope Francis’s Marxism since he was born and raised under Socialism.  But for American clerics to be pushing all this treason against America and promoting condemned Marxism over Catholicism is shocking.  How did they learn to hate America so?  How did they come to support worldly Globalist-Communist Utopian ideals over Catholicism?

The question applies to them as well as to the Pope:

Are they stupid, or are they evil?

Who am I to judge?

Barnhardt video on Lindsey Graham the jackass!

Barnhardt on dying America and Christianity.

Towers hit

An energy beam can be heard not a cruising jet airliner as the second tower is hit!? (Millions of Watts of Microwave Energy?)

God bless you!

Brother in Christ Jesus,

Lawrence Morra III

Couple of great truthful comments to keep in mind!

Lachesis Atropos

Nov 19

Look at all the Roman Catholic Church bashing on this site. No surprise, you are no different than the liberals who attacked the Roman Catholic Church since the 1950s. You are in great company.

Finally. Many so called “born again Christians” continually attack Roman Catholics. This has been going on since at least the 1930s and is no different than liberals who attack conservatives. In fact, it was the leftist who mercilessly attacked the Roman Catholic Church since at least the 1950s. The Roman Catholic Church is not a building or structure. Many do not recognize the heretic Francis or the current Novus Ordo Mass/Vatican II mass created in the early 1960s to destroy the Church and it succeeded. The tradition Latin Mass and those who refute the Vatican II mass are few, and demonized by the Vatican. Many do not realize that those who helped create Vatican II were not Roman Catholic, but leadership of various Protestant religions.

Savvy Chipmunk

Nov 19

This is inspired by the Holy Spirit. I thank God, as a Protestant type Christian, that this man loves the Lord and loves truth. What an amazing succinct summary of the issues, no words wasted, this is calm but passionate fire. Thank you Father, bless his life and may he complete all your work you have for him to do. In Jesus’ name I pray.

HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance to Free Humanity from the Totalitarian Regime (VIDEO)

By Joe Hoft
Published November 17, 2021 at 9:46pm

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò appealed to Catholics, Christians, and people of Faith to unite against the dark forces of globalism. 

Archbishop Viganò sent The Gateway Pundit his video and Appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance.

Please watch his moving call for unity, courage, strength, and faith.

Archbishop Viganò shared this moving text and video with us on Wednesday.  The video and text are an international call for the creation of an anti-globalist alliance to defeat the evil elites who wish to enslave free men and women and promote a “Religion of Humanity that cancels Faith in Christ.”

From Archbishop Viganò:

“This Anti-Globalist Alliance will have to bring together the Nations that intend to escape the infernal yoke of tyranny and affirm their own sovereignty, forming agreements of mutual collaboration with Nations and peoples who share their principles and the common yearning for freedom, justice, and goodness. It will have to denounce the crimes of the elite, identify those responsible, denounce them to international tribunals, and limit their excessive power and harmful influence. It will have to prevent the action of the lobbies, above all by fighting against the corruption of state officials and those who work in the information industry, and by freezing the capital used to destabilize the social order.”

The whole pandemic issue is instrumental to the Great Reset, and it is the latter that we must fight. I think that, at this moment, it is most appropriate to create a movement of the people that calls together, in an Anti-globalist Alliance, Catholics, Christians, and people of goodwill.  This is the first appeal I make to that effect.

…If the attack is global.  The defense must also be global.

Here is a text of Archbishop Viganò’s message (see video of the same message below)

Appeal Anti-Globalist Alliance by Jim Hoft

Watch Archbishop Viganò deliver his important call of the faithful.

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Why America Will Disappear from World Prominence

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

Screenshot_2021-08-01 Why America Will Disappear from World Prominence (2)

Looking for the Blessed Hope

A heart for Israel…and Israel’s Messiah!

Reblog  by: Lawrence Morra III

Zero Lift-Off   Only The Beginning

Informational and sharing purposes only on this platform.

August 1, 2021

I’ve often wondered about this as many of you and others have through the decades and centuries! I had always had some interest in whether the Statue of Liberty and NYC with the United Nations being located there along with Wall Street a global trading financial hub would result in some specific Biblical prophecy but for the most part like multitudes of other people wasn’t connecting any dots indicating such a connection existed; until now! What follows are some Scriptural verses along with some of my own thoughts derived from recent developments in the Nations or Super Powers vying for World dominance and NWO then finally a writing on this subject that I just came upon which could very well be a most plausible reason why America isn’t mentioned in the final days leading up to Armageddon and Jesus Christ’s Second Coming to finally end this world.

“I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters”

Revelation 17:1-18
Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk.” And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.”

Look at what symbol now sits at the UN that was recently added as an icon of Peace!

This may very well be the infant Nation much newer and younger in comparison to all European and Middle East ones, the New Babylon the Great. Could it be The United States?

Liberty and Freedom are most definitely eroding here in the US just as they are throughout the world but this is a big deal here where our US Constitution and the Bill of Rights make it abundantly clear that American Citizens are supposed to be a Free and Christian People! As it was clearly stated by all of the Founding Fathers here is just one example of just how key and crucial a role Christianity and Freedom played in the establishing of this Republic under God!

Alexander Hamilton
First US Secretary of the Treasury
“In my opinion, the present constitution is the standard to which we are to cling…. Let an association be formed to be denominated ‘The Christian Constitutional Society,’ its object to be first: The support of the Christian religion. Second: The support of the United States.”
Apr. 16-21, 1802, Letter to James Bayard
That is a clear indication of what America was to be based on and represent for its People. Then there was this.
Patrick Henry
Member of the First Continental Congress, Governor of Virginia
“The great pillars of all government…[are] virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone, that renders us invincible.”
Jan. 8, 1799, Letter to Archibald Blai

And then this beautiful statement.

Thomas Paine
Writer, Revolutionary leader
“The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Where, say some, is the king of America? I’ll tell you, friend, He reigns above.”
1776, Common Sense

I add these few additional statements by other Founding Fathers that make it quite abundantly clear what the mindset and actual principles of America were intended to be, and I say why America rose to such prominence, prowess and power as the leading Nation of all Nations around the Globe for hundreds of years; a very blessed Nation.

John Adams
Second President of the US
“We have no government armed in power capable of contending in human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”
1798, Address to the militia of Massachusetts
“The experiment is made, and has completely succeeded: it can no longer be called in question, whether authority in magistrates, and obedience of citizens, can be grounded on reason, morality, and the Christian religion, without the mockery of priests, or the knavery of politicians.”
1788, “A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America”

John Jay
First Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court
“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”
Feb. 28, 1797, Letter to clergyman Jedidiah Morse

George Mason
Delegate to the Constitutional Convention, called the “father” of the US Bill of Rights
“The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth.”
Robin v. Hardaway, Gener

But here is the catch now for America and beyond! Most if not all of these prerequisites for this Nation under God to remain strong enough in a violent corrupted “Ways of The World” battle which the world has always been with all Nations feuding or attacking others, these precepts have been transgressed or marginalized to the point of practically being nonexistent and we can now see the results with mostly corrupted self-serving dirty scoundrel politicians and most despicable leadership on all fronts, with sin and blasphemies against God and his Commandments overflowing through this Land of once truly Free People. I call it a “Nut House” now with factions like BLM or Antifa and Corporate Groups that pull all the Punches and Shots needed in unison with all of the low life politicians; in order to rule this polluted system stepping all over our rights and even now attacking our health and happiness with injecting horrible untested concoctions into our bodies and having us “Lock Down” like prisoners while many criminals are set free to run loose and this while We the People are “Not Free” to move around; as we just witnessed for the last year and a half.

Please try to read on through the entire fairly short article; which will shed some light on what may very well be going on, and what to expect!

Mystery Babylon

Who is the Whore of Revelation 17?


Revelation 17:1 “And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, “Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

There is a popular belief that mystery Babylon refers to the Roman Catholic Church. One of the books most often quoted in support of this idea is Alexander Hislop’s “The Two Babylons”. The problem with this view is the fact that there are many false religions on the face of the earth that are neither Catholic nor Christian! As will be seen, the scriptures speak about this woman, whose origins are from ancient times, long before Christianity took up the cup of her abominations!

The idol Ishtar, from the Babylonian empire, is very likely what is spoken of by Jeremiah the prophet as the queen of heaven (Jer 7:18; 44:16-19)

Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other elohim, that they may provoke me to anger.

Is there any way of identifying this queen of heaven? Looking up Jeremiah 7:18 (quoted above) in a couple of references, we find the following:
1. In the commentary of the Ryrie Study Bible: The queen of heaven. The Assyro-Babylonian goddess Ishtar.
2. In the commentary of the NIV Study Bible: Queen of Heaven. A Babylonian title for Ishtar, an important goddess in the Babylonian pantheon.
3. In Ungers Bible Dictionary it says under the heading “Queen of Heaven” (Hebrew Meleketh hashshamayim, Jer 7:18; 44:17-19, 25) Astarte, an ancient Semitic deity, identical with Babylonian Ishtar (Venus)
Is there any symbol in the world today that represents the idol Ishtar?

Fact: One of the worlds largest idols that has ever been constructed is the Statue of Liberty in the harbor of New York City. According to the following research, the Statue of Liberty is an idol which represents something specific:

The sculptor of the Statue of Liberty was Auguste Bertholdi. He belonged to the Masonic Lodge in Paris. Before beginning the statue of liberty project, Bertholdi was seeking a commission to construct a giant statue of the goddess “Isis,” the Egyptian Queen of Heaven, to overlook the Suez canal. The statue of Isis was to be of “a robed woman holding aloft a torch” [The preceding information is from, “IS THE STATUE OF LIBERTY PAGAN?” by William Dankenbring]

If Revelation 17 is referring to Ishtar, represented by the Statue of Liberty, it would not only be the sins of Christianity, as would be the case with the Roman Catholic Church, but it would include most all false religions on the face of the earth, whereas Islam is possibly the beast. The beast hates the whore (Rev 17:16).
Continuing on in Revelation 17…
Revelation 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

It can be seen here that the whore rides upon the seven headed beast, which represent the seven empires that have existed throughout world history (see Daniel 7 and Rev. 13)
Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

Mystery Babylon is guilty of being the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. Even though the Roman Catholic Church has been referred to as the mother of the protestant reformation, the mother goddess Ishtar has even deeper roots.

It is interesting to note that ancient Babyon’s chief deity “Ishtar” (AKA “Iana”) held the very same title in Babylon, “Mother of Harlots”.

As Alexander Hislop shows, in his book entitled, “The Two Babylons”, Isis is the Egyptian name for the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, who is also the same as Athena (Greece), Minerva (Egypt and Greece), Astarte (Syria), Cybele (Rome), Ashtoreth (Israel), and Diana (Ephesus).

A site on the internet entitled, Statue of Liberty Facts, makes the following statements:
7 Spikes in the Crown represent:
Either Seven Seas:
Arctic, Antarctic, North & South Atlantic,
North & South Pacific, Indian.
SEVEN SEAS — Figuratively, all the waters or oceans of the world.
The phrase probably has its origins in Brahmanic (Hindu) mythology:
The seven seas dividing and surrounding the seven land masses of the earth. In modern times it has been applied to the seven oceans.
Or Seven Continents:
North and South America, Europe,
Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia

Continuing on with Revelation chapter 17
Revelation 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahushua: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. 7 And the angel said unto me, “Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

A familiar explanation of verse 9 is that the seven mountains represent the seven hills of Rome; but how many believe that the seven heads of the beast represent the seven hills of Rome? Notice that in verse nine, it says, “And here is the mind that has wisdom.” So, in order to understand the rest of verse nine, along with verse ten, it requires wisdom…
Proverbs 9:10 The fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the set-apart is understanding.

In Daniel chapter 7, the seven heads are on four beasts (representing four kingdoms). But, in Revelation 17:10, it says that there are seven kings. So the seven heads represent seven kings, and by implication they can represent seven kingdoms. Can we identify seven kingdoms that have existed, starting from the time of the flood?
It says that five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come. From the time of the flood, there have been five kingdoms that have fallen: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. The one that was during the time of John was Rome. And one that had not yet come was the Ottoman Empire. It seems that the whore, that rides upon this beast, is the mother of all the false religions within these empires.
According to Revelation 13, the seven headed beast represents the final evil empire during the great tribulation (A culmination of the preceding 7 empires).
As we have already seen (in Revelation 17:1), this woman sits upon many waters. Then in verse 15…
Rev 17:15 And he saith unto me, “The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.”
It is interesting that the promoters of the Statue of Liberty claim that the seven spikes of her crown represent the seven seas!

More from “Statue of Liberty Facts”…
Official accepting Statue on behalf of US: President Grover Cleveland
Date of Acceptance by President: October 28, 1886
Part of Acceptance Statement by President Cleveland:
“We will not forget that liberty here made her home;
nor shall her chosen altar be neglected.”
Some highlights of the Statue Inscription:
…a mighty woman with a torch
and her name Mother of Exiles.
“Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!”
cries she with silent lips.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
Emma Lazarus (1849-1887)

The idol Ishtar (represented by the Statue of Liberty) was known, in ancient Babylon, as the goddess of personal freedom and the goddess of immigrants. The following was taken from, “America the Babylon” by Richard Coombs:
Ishtar was called the matron goddess of prostitution because she promoted sexual freedom. Indeed, she had invented the concept. Slaves considered her their goddess in the hopes of winning their freedom. Many women who gained freedom later turned to prostitution to survive and thereby retained Libertas as their goddess, especially if they became priestesses in the Libertas cult. Libertas was also a goddess of war in order to fight for freedom. She was also referred at times as the goddess of victory because freedom must have victory in order to survive. This goddess was also the goddess of immigrants. The whole idea of immigration connoted the idea of freedom. Her popularity was also unique because of her unique doctrine of hearing personal prayers. This unique doctrine was something that most of the pagan deity doctrines were not disposed towards.

We know that this goddess existed because of the records left behind to us. We have the ancient writings of Cicero who writes of this goddess and her Temple on the Aventine Way in Rome. She was depicted on some Roman coins as wearing a freedom cap and having a wreath along with a spear or sometimes a sword. Such coin images were not the only depictions. Sometimes she was well robed and at other times seductively unclothed in both sculptures and paintings. We know of Libertas being referred to as the Mother of Harlots by the famous Roman historian (and senator) Cicero’s writings. Cicero indicates that she was also a very early goddess of the Greeks even before early Roman civilization developed.

This very freedom has brought to these shores (America) every false religion known to man. Even if one were to have the wisdom of Solomon, they would still be vulnerable to the snares of false religions. Solomon committed fornication with the whore of Revelation 17…
1 Kings 11:4 For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other elohim: and his heart was not perfect with YHWH his Elohim, as was the heart of David his father. 5 For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.
Remember that Ashtereth is another name for the Queen of Heaven. Again, Revelation 17, verses 1 and 15 call her a whore that sits upon many waters, which seems to represent the entire world!
Revelation 17:16-17 talks about ten kings hating the whore and making her desolate…
17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For YHWH hath put in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of YHWH shall be fulfilled.
The Beast is going to be a one world religion/government that will not tolerate religious freedom of any kind. (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
Notice how the following verse in Revelation ties chapter 17, religious Babylon, with chapter 18, commercial Babylon…
Revelation 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.


By now it should be obvious that the Statue of Liberty represents the whore spoken of in Revelation 17. Not only does the Statue of Liberty represent the religious (idolatrous) freedom found in the United States, but she is also a symbol for New York City, the economic capital of Babylon the Great, spoken of in Revelation 18.

Flee Babylon Commentary NEW

In closing I hope this has been an interesting eye opener for you and will at least help you to stimulate some further thought and conversations with others to seek out God’s Truth and Discern all past, Present and potential Future factors so that you will have the wisdom and insight god wants you to possess in order not to be fooled or led astray! As mentioned in Scriptures a serious horrible event would come about in End Time to eclipse all previous human attacks upon other people that would bring on unbelievable misery, suffering and death before the end!

The Weapon of Indignation will be released upon America by Putin to wipe-out its Grid and this powerful EMP weapon will cripple the entire military and all of its infrastructure plunging the once Great New Babylon the Great into the Stone Age essentially. Putin is the King of the North mentioned in Revelations and of an Atheistic Brutal Communist controlled nation based on the evils that Lenin, Marx and Stalin laid the foundation for through the last century after the 6th Earth Kingdom the Ottoman Empire came to a close; leaving us now with the 7th and final Earthly Kingdom! And it is very likely when one looks at a Global map drawing a line from Moscow in the north and finding it ends up crossing down though Kenya Africa in the South; so Putin is the one mentioned in the book of Revelation while Obama is the King of the South “from Kenya Africa” as he is the true and “Real Illegitimate Shadow President” of the United States who is now ruling America through Biden, and all his corrupted government cohorts; all of which serve Satan.
God bless you.

Brother in Christ Jesus,
Lawrence Morra III

Why America Will Disappear from World Prominence

On July 30, 2021 By LFTBH AdministratorIn Current Events, MAGA

As noted before, America is nowhere to be found in Bible prophecy. But why would the world’s greatest superpower not play a part in God’s plan of the end? There are lots of potential reasons:

America could be attacked by those intent on our destruction.
Poor judgment by government officials could render America’s military lacking in power and ability to defend itself.
The US could become so distracted by domestic issues that our defenses let down.
Our American economy could collapse, leaving us unable to maintain a strong military.
Enemy regimes could launch a cyber attack, leaving us without ample power to respond.


The rapture might occur, taking millions of Americans (and others)!

That’s definitely my choice…how about you!?!

But let’s consider something going on in our nation that could play a part in total implosion. If you study history, perhaps you have noticed that immorality tends to precede the fall of nations. Consider what one of our founding fathers, John Adams, had to say:


I agree. How about you?

There are dozens of things that challenge America’s morals. The murder of millions of unborn babies. Rampant drug use…some of it now legal. Unchecked adultery and promiscuity. Lying, cheating and defrauding. Acceptance of homosexuality and all sorts of deviant behavior.

Even more disturbing is the level at which young people are exposed to such blatant and intentional godlessness. For example, 4th graders in Minnesota were given an “equity survey” and were explicitly told not to tell their parents! You can read that story here.

That is only one example of the effort by the socialist left to brainwash our children and lead them down paths of immorality and lawlessness.

The Bible teaches us that Israel will eventually stand alone, and that all nations will be brought before the Lord in judgment. Yet, there are people from all over the world risking their lives to break into the United States! Why is that?

Could it be that, despite the downward spiral happening in our country, America is still a great nation? As Mike Pompeo states, “America is exceptional!” Indeed we are, thanks to the grace of God.

Now the question: How do we continue to make America exceptional?

Not by might, nor by power. Not by political maneuvering, but by Christians becoming involved in every phase of society (including running for office)!

Where has God placed you? Are you being used by Him to advance His Kingdom?

23 Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; 24 and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, 25 not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
~Hebrews 10:23-25

As we consider what is being taught to our young people, let’s seek out ways to hold fast, encourage one another, and join together in worship. Let’s overcome the brainwashing, and let’s teach our kids truth from God’s Word. The day of Jesus’ return is drawing near. Are you ready?

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Empires ‘Must Be Dismantled’

“An evil minion of hell; a Global Sociopathic Madman”

“An evil minion of hell; a Global Sociopathic Madman”

Republication by: Lawrence Morra III

For information sharing purposes only on this social media platform.

Zero Lift-Off   Only The Beginning

March 30, 2021

“Bill Gates has Keys to the Gates of Hell”

by Lawrence Morra III

I’ve been pointing out for quite some time how its a forgone conclusion that Bill Gates is GONE!  An evil minion of hell; a Global Sociopathic Madman!

Here is a sample of what I’ve been saying especially just prior to the last fiasco election!

This despot sociopath Bill Gates along with quite a few Globalists of like kind “anatomically” speaking, have worked in unison for decades to bring on not only what Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Khrushchev all stated as the eventual objective of global dominance and control; but now with all the right components in place such as mass digital communications being used as the ultimate propaganda arm via social media along with all the major MSM networks it’s now the coup d’ grace death knell of democracy with the increased likelihood of its being replaced exponentially, with absolute communist totalitarian control; as they are now on the fast track to usher in New World Order and their “Global Reset” agenda, and this is just one Major piece of the jigsaw puzzle being orchestrated into place!  But, bearing in mind that China’s CCP with lifetime appointed chairman Xi Jinping have had for decades global conquest as their most singularly important and necessary goal even just for the ability to sustain its 2.3 billion population.

A year ago I was writing and posting some highly regarded expert opinions with facts how China is ground zero when it comes to this whole pandemic madness along with NWO Globalist types which Bill Gates is definitely a player in that “club of elitists” with the same agenda of Totalitarian control around the globe.  Gates was having clandestine meetings in Wuhan China while also having been directly involved with Xi Jinping and the CCP on a variety of secret projects for years; making him an enemy operative involved in espionage as I see it; against the United States! What follows is more of what I pointed out over the last year with references to excellent sources.

It’s hard to believe actually how in today’s day and age of readily accessible information at people’s finger tips they get sucked into believing what people like Bernie Sanders a Marxist at heart promotes as a good thing.  History clearly shows us that Communism in any form is lethal to people’s rights, freedom and lives. Joseph Stalin along with Pol Pot prime examples of Marxist–Leninists, that slaughtered millions of their own respective peoples to gain complete control of the population and force their wills upon their nations under communism. Which is what Biden-Harris are setting up!  Just because China has put on a good front all these years showing the world they appreciate Western Capitalism doesn’t mean they aren’t monsters with ulterior designs and only playing the game to get us all in a weakened position over time then break the back of our systems to conquer.  They have us indebted to them to the nth degree and have bought out enough industries and properties here in the US along with having some prominent American politicians in their hip pockets; to proudly say America is practically in the bag!  We are dealing with the sleeping dragon that will be extremely hungry and hostile when it wakes up one day wanting to up the ante!  They are not our friends not by a long shot and the Party has no heart, they are ruthless, hard core totalitarian minded despots. Trump had been the spoiler in this God forsaken scenario and I believe it’s because God wanted it this way to give the good people of America a last ditch opportunity to wake up before they step off into the precipice and horror beyond imagination under evil tyrants!

Well, what do you know; looks like America has stepped over the very precipice I mentioned and is now clinging to a ledge before falling into that deep pit down into Hell on Earth!

Lawrence Morra III


Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Empires ‘Must Be Dismantled’

In an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, Vandana Shiva says, “… if In the next decade, if we don’t protect what has to be protected … and take away the sainthood from this criminal, they will leave nothing much to be saved.”


Dr. Joseph Mercola

Link copied

Story at-a-glance:

  • Bill Gates is entering every field that has to do with sustaining life and, for over a decade, has undermined vitality in all its forms, in an effort to seize control over and profit from it.
  • By funding research and financing public institutions, Gates is able to force those institutions down a path where they can only use his patented intellectual property.
  • While pretending to save the world through philanthropy, Gates’ solutions perpetuate and worsen the world’s problems. They may even threaten the future of humanity, as they’re driving us closer to extinction.
  • Through his company, Gates Ag One, Gates is pushing for one type of agriculture for the whole world, organized top, down. This includes digital farming, in which farmers are surveilled and mined for their agricultural data, which is then repackaged and sold back to them.
  • The answer to the environmental problems we face is not more of the very things that created the problems in the first place, which is what Gates proposes. The answer is regenerative agriculture and real food.

In this interview, Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., discusses the importance and benefits of regenerative agriculture and a future Regeneration International project that we’ll be collaborating on.

We’re currently facing enormously powerful technocrats who are hell-bent on ushering in the Great Reset, which will complete the ongoing transfer of wealth and resource ownership from the poor and middle classes to the ultra-rich. Perhaps the most well-known of the individuals pushing for this is Bill Gates who, like John Rockefeller a century before him, rehabilitated his sorely tarnished image by turning to philanthropy.

However, Gates’ brand of philanthropy, so far, has helped few and harmed many. While his PR machine has managed to turn public opinion about him such that many now view him as a global savior who donates his wealth for the good of the planet, nothing could be further from the truth.

Gates’ stranglehold on global health

The magnitude of Gates’ role over global health recently dawned on me. I believe the COVID-19 catastrophe would not have been possible had it not been for the World Health Organization (WHO), which Gates appears to exert shadow-control over. Remember, it was primarily the WHO that facilitated this global shutdown and adoption of freedom-robbing, economy-destroying measures by virtually every government on the planet.

When then-President Trump halted U.S. funding of the WHO in 2020, Gates became the biggest funder of the WHO. As explained in “WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI,” the WHO has turned global health security into a dictatorship, where the director general has assumed sole power to make decisions that member states must abide by, but according to a long-term WHO insider, Gates’ vaccine alliance GAVI actually appears to be the directing power behind the WHO.

The two — Gates and the WHO — have been working hand in hand pushing for a global vaccination campaign, and Gates has a great deal of money invested in these vaccines. We’ve also seen extraordinary efforts to censor natural alternatives and inexpensive, readily available and clearly effective drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and it appears the reason for this is probably because they’re competitors to the vaccine.

Emergency use authorization for pandemic vaccines are only given when there are no other treatments, so vilifying alternatives has been a key strategy to protect vaccine profits.

Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins – Take Action

The parallels between Rockefeller and Gates

As noted by Shiva, the comparisons between Rockefeller and Gates are quite apt. Rockefeller created not just Big Oil but also Big Finance and Big Pharma. He had intimate connections with IG Farben. There was a Standard Oil IG Farben company. Without the fossil fuels of Standard Oil, IG Farben couldn’t have made synthetic fertilizers or fuels.

In 1910, Rockefeller and Carnegie produced The Flexner Report, which was the beginning of the end for natural medicine in the conventional medical school curriculum. They eliminated it because it saw natural medicine as a hugely competitive threat to the new pharmaceuticals that were primarily derived from the oil industry.

Much of Rockefeller’s history has been captured by Lily Kay, who sifted through Molecular Vision of Life’s archives. There, she discovered that the Nazi regime, which was a eugenics regime that thought some people were inferior and needed to be exterminated to keep the superior race pure, didn’t vanish when Germany lost the war.

Eugenics simply migrated to the U.S., and was taken up by Rockefeller under the term of “social psychology as biological determinants.” The word gene did not exist at that time. Instead, they called it “atoms of determinism.” Rockefeller paid for much of the eugenics research, which ultimately resulted in the silencing and suppression of true health.

To be healthy means to be whole, and wholeness refers to the “self-organized brilliance of your integrated body as a complex system,” Shiva says. That’s what Ayurveda is based on, and even this ancient system of medicine has been attacked in recent times. The notion of genetic determination ignores this foundational wholeness, seeking instead to divide the human body into mechanical components controlled by your genes.

“Coming back to the parallels, Rockefeller was behind it because he was driving the chemical industry. When the wars were over, they said, ‘Oh my gosh, we have all these chemicals to sell.’ And they invented the Green Revolution and pushed the Green Revolution on India.

“Rockefeller, the World Bank, the U.S. all worked together, and if the farmers of India are protesting today, it’s a result of Rockefeller’s initiative, the Green Revolution in India. Most people don’t realize what high cost India has borne; what high cost the state of Panjon has born.

“Then you have Gates joining up with Rockefeller and creating the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) … which pretends to be his solution to climate change. I say, “My god, what kind of stage has the world reached that absolute nonsense can pass the science?” I’ll give you just three examples from his chapter on agriculture, in which he talks about how we grow things.

“First of all, plants are not things. Plants are sentient beings. Our culture knows it. We have the sacred tulsi. We have the sacred neem. We have the sacred banyan. They are sentient beings. So many people are awake to animal rights. I think we need more people awake to plant rights and really tell Mr. Gates, “No, plants are not things.”

“He goes on to celebrate Norman Borlaug, who was in the DuPont defense lab, whose job it was to push these four chemicals by adapting the plants [to them]. So, he created the dwarf variety, because the tall varieties are free varieties … [Gates] says we’re eating food because of Borlaug. No, people are starving because of Borlaug. The farmers are dying because of Borlaug.”

Gates offers problems as solutions

Gates hails synthetic fertilizer is the greatest agricultural invention. “Doesn’t he realize synthetic nitrogen fertilizers are creating desertification, dead zones in the ocean and nitric oxide, which is a greenhouse gas?” Shiva says. In short, he’s offering the problem as the solution. Gates also, apparently, does not understand that nitrogen-fixing plants can fix nitrogen. He incorrectly claims that plants cannot fix nitrogen.

Gates is equally wrong about methane production from livestock. “Have you smelt methane behind nomadic tribes?” Shiva asks. “Have you ever smelt methane behind our sacred cow in India? No, they don’t emit methane.” The reason cows in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) emit methane that stinks to high heaven is because they’re fed an unnatural diet of grains and placed in crowded quarters. It’s not a natural phenomenon. It’s a man-made one.

“You know what Mr. Gates wants to teach us? He says cows make methane because of their poor stomachs,” Shiva says. “They call them containers. I think we should sue him for undoing basic biology 101. You’ve talked about how he controls the WHO. He’s also trying to take control of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

“[FAO] has recognized ecological agriculture is the way to go and supported [regenerative] agriculture up until last year, when Gates started to take charge. Now he’s moving the food summit to New York. Five hundred organizations have said, ‘This is no longer a food summit, it’s a poison summit. The poison cartel and Bill Gates are running it to push more poisons, now under new names. So, we have a lot of work to do.’”

The answer to the environmental problems we face is not more of the very things that created the problems in the first place, which is what Gates proposes. The answer is regenerative agriculture and real food.

“When people are eating healthy food, there is no problem,” Shiva says. “[Gates] wants to commit a crime against our gut microbiome, pushing more fake food through Impossible Food. And he wants to create conditions so that real food will disappear. That’s why we all have to organize together and the scientists have to start being protected.

“There’s an extinction taking place. They call it the sixth mass extinction. Most people think the sixth mass extinction is about other species. They don’t realize large parts of humanity are being pushed to extinction. Food is health, as Hippocrates said, [and that requires] indigenous systems of learning, ecological agriculture, small farmers.

“In Bill Gates’ design, all this that makes life, life, that makes society, society, that makes community, community, that makes healthy beings, he would like to push this to extinction because he’s afraid of independence, freedom, health and our beingness. He wants us to be ‘thingness,’ but we are beings …

“The worst crime against the Earth and against humanity is using gene editing technologies for gene drives, which is a collaboration of Gates with DARPA, the defense research system. Gene drives are deliberately driving [us] to extinction. Now he does it in the name of ending malaria. No. It’s about driving to extinction.

“Amaranth is a sacred food for us. It’s a very, very important source of nutrition … There’s an application in that DARPA-Gates report of driving the amaranth to extinction through gene rights. And when this was raised at the Convention on Biological Diversity, do you know what he did? He actually hired a public relations agency and bribed government representatives to not say no. Can you imagine?”

Gates’ long-term play

Gates clearly had a long-term vision in mind from the start. His growing control of the WHO began over a decade ago. Over this span of time, he also started transitioning into Big Pharma and the fake food industry, which would allow his influence over the WHO’s global health recommendations to really pay off.

While fake foods have many potential problems, one in particular is elevated levels of the omega-6 fat linoleic acid (LA). If you eat real food, you’re going to get more than enough LA. Our industrial Western diet, however, provides far more than is needed for optimal health already, and engineered meats are particularly loaded with LA, as they’re made with genetically modified soy oil and canola oil.

This massive excess of LA will encourage and promote virtually all degenerative diseases, thereby accelerating the destruction of human health. In addition to that, Gates is also investing in pharmaceuticals, which of course are touted as the answer to degenerative disease. Again, his solutions to ill health are actually the problem. Shiva says:

“Gates … [is] entering every field that has to do with life. Our work in Navdanya, which means nine seeds, is basically work on biodiversity in agriculture. We started to bring together all the work that he’s doing in taking over. I mentioned the Rockefeller Green Revolution, now the Gates-Rockefeller Green Revolution in Africa. The next step he wants to push is … digital agriculture.

“He calls it Gates Ag One, and the headquarters of this is exactly where the Monsanto headquarters are, in St. Louis, Missouri. Gates Ag One is one [type of] agriculture for the whole world, organized top down. He’s written about it. We have a whole section on it in our new report, ‘Gates to a Global Empire.’”

Stolen farmer data is repackaged and sold back to them

What does digital agriculture entail? For starters, it entails the introduction of a digital surveillance system. So far, Shiva’s organization has managed to prevent Gates from introducing a seed surveillance startup, where farmers would not be allowed to grow seeds unless approved by Gates surveillance system.

The data mining, Shiva says, is needed because they don’t actually know agriculture. This is why Gates finances the policing of farmers. He needs to mine their data to learn how farming is actually done. This knowledge is then repackaged and sold back to the farmers. It’s evil genius at its finest.

Through his funding, Gates now also controls the world’s seed supply, and his financing of gene editing research has undercut biosafety laws across the world. As explained by Shiva, the only country that doesn’t have biosafety laws is the U.S. “The rest of the world does because we have a treaty called the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,” she says.

“While he created the appearance of philanthropy, what he’s doing is giving tiny bits of money to very vital institutions. But with those bits of money, they attract government money, which was running those institutions. Now, because of his clout, he is taking control of the agenda of these institutions. In the meantime, he’s pushing patenting, be it on drugs, vaccines or on seeds.”

Taken together, Gates ends up wielding enormous control over global agriculture and food production, and there’s virtually no evidence to suggest he has good intentions.

The anatomy of monopolization

The company that collects patents on gene-edited organisms, both in health and agriculture, is Editas, founded by a main financial investor for the Gates Foundation. Gates is also a big investor in Editas.

“So, here’s a company called Editas to edit the world as if it is a Word program. The two scientists who got the Nobel Prize this year have both been funded in their research by Gates. My mind went back to how Rockefeller financed the research, got the Nobel Prize, and then made the money.

“So, you finance the research. Then you finance the public institutions, whether they be national or international. You invest and force them down the path where they can only use what is your patented intellectual property. And, as he has said in an interview, his smartest investment was vaccines, because it is a 1-to-20 return. Put $1 in and make $20. How many billions of dollars have been put in? You can imagine how many trillions will be made.

“At the end of it, where does food come from? It comes from seed. He wants to control it. It comes from land. He’s controlling that. He’s become the biggest farmland owner [in the U.S.]. But you need weather [control]. You need a stable climate.

“So, what could be a weapon of control of agriculture? Weather modification. He calls it geoengineering. This is engineering of the climate. Again, making it look like he’s going to solve global warming by creating global cooling.”

As explained by Shiva, Gates is also heavily invested in climate modification technologies that not only will destabilize the earth’s climate systems more, but also can be weaponized against the people by controlling rainfall and drought. In India, they’ve been having massive hail during harvest time, which destroys the harvest.

Is the UN subservient to Gates?

According to Shiva, Gates is also corrupting the UN system, just like he’s corrupted world governments and the WHO, and in so doing, he’s destroying the efforts built over the last three decades to protect the global environment.

“Whether it be the climate treaty, the biodiversity treaty or the atmospheric treaties, he is absolutely behaving as if the UN is his subservient institution,” Shiva says. “[He thinks] governments and regulatory bodies should not exist … and that people in democracy have no business to speak. [If they do], they’re conspiracy theorists.”

Taking down Gates’ empires

As it stands right now, ordinary people are forced to fight battles that are in actuality rooted in institutional, structural and societal crimes. These crimes really need to be addressed the way Rockefeller’s Standard Oil empire was addressed. In the case of Gates, his empire is actually multiple empires, and they all need to be dismantled. To that end, I will be collaborating with Shiva and Regeneration International, which she co-founded, on a project to boycott Gates’ empires.

“I’ve noticed that no matter what the movement, they’re using the word regeneration now. It could be a health movement, a democracy movement, a peace movement, a women’s movement — everyone has realized that regeneration is what we have to shift to,” Shiva says.

“So, what do we need to be doing in the next decade? For me, the next decade is the determining decade, because these petty minds’ insatiable greed want to go so fast that if, in the next decade, we don’t protect what has to be protected, build resilient alternatives and take away the sainthood from this criminal, they will leave nothing much to be saved.

“The poison cartel is also big pharma. People think agriculture is here, medicine is there. No. The same criminal corporations gave us agrichemicals. They gave us bad medicine that creates more disease than it solves. So, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Poison — it’s all one. And Bill Gates is holding it all together even more, and trying to make them bigger because he has investments in all of them …

“I think [seeds] is where we have to begin … I’m hoping that we will be able, together, to launch a global movement soon to take back our seeds from the international seed banks. The strategy is we need to remind the world that these are public institutions [and] that they’re accountable to the farmers whose collections these [seeds] are …

“On the food question, I think that’s the big one because food and health go [together]. In Ayurveda, it says food is the best medicine, and if you don’t eat good food, then no medicine can cure whatever disease you have. The best medicine is good eating. And Hippocrates said ‘Let food be thy medicine.’ So, I think this is the time to really grow a very big global campaign for food freedom.

“Food freedom means you cannot destroy our right to grow food. Secondly, you cannot destroy our governments’ obligations to us to support regenerative agriculture rather than support degenerative agriculture and subsidize it. And third, I think we should call for a worldwide boycott of lab foods …

“Another part of this should be, don’t let Big Tech enter our bodies. Let big tech not enter life sciences … These guys will make life illegal. Living will be illegal except as a little piece in their machine through their permission.”

Each year, Navdanya holds a two-week campaign on food freedom starting October 2, which is nonviolence day. We now need to take that campaign to the global stage, and I will do my part to aid this effort. So, mark your calendar and prepare to join us in a global boycott of food that makes you sick — processed food, GMO foods, lab-created foods, fake meats, all of it.

More information

You can learn more about Shiva’s work and her many projects on During the first week of April every year, Navdanya gives a five-day course called Annam, Food as Health, via Zoom. In this course, you’ll learn about soil and plant biodiversity and healthy eating for optimal health.

You can also learn more by reading the report “Earth Rising, Women Rising: Regenerating the Earth, Seeding the Future,” written by female farmers. And, again, mark your calendars and plan your participation in the food freedom campaign, starting October 2, 2021.

“When all the spiritual forces, all of nature’s forces and most of people’s forces are aligned together, what can [a few] billionaires, technocrats — who want to be richer than they are, greedier than they are, more violent than they are — do?” Shiva says. “They don’t count in the long run, really. It’s just that we cannot afford to not do the things that we can do.”

Originally published by Mercola.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of

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Mind-Numbing Partisanship: How the Left was Lost

Nahhhh! Don’t even think it, I’m not going left or liking them even a smidgen more than I did yesterday or most of my adult life even; which has pretty much been nil, Not-At-All! But I really enjoy, and yes get a laugh out of watching a Lifelong Hardcore Leftist Hollywood Pot Head Type Throwback like Bill come down hard on the Left and “Tear them all a New One;” for being a bunch of former Maherons, but now, as he plainly in my humble opinion calls them out as just being plain “Morons!”

This guy many years ago, I used to think was kinda funny with his shtick in his aloof obnoxious sort of way, but now, he is a Classy Hot Shit! So even though I never really used to follow him on TV but now try to catch him if I’ve got nothing better to do at the time, all I can say is anyone who doesn’t get some kicks out of watching this late-night former “mediocre jokester” puke on much of the “Hollywood Leftist Liberal Elite,” really is in need of an attitude adjustment! So to them I say, watch this guy and start seeing what you really are; or get a new headshrinker!


Lawrence Morra III


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Time To Pause and Reflect

“Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit”
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”

Hi Sister Hope! First of all I send my prayer for Almighty God to bless you and your entire family in the precious name of Jesus.  I agree with what you’ve pointed out here with great clarity and wisdom! You are holding true to your Faith in Jesus Christ and thus following the Father’s will as He inspires us to do through His Holy Spirit while of course consuming His Holy Words in the Bible.

Jesus Mark 10 29 sm print +

I also see a problem besides Bible Thumpers which are too many “wishy-washy Spiritual Blenders” thinking they are showing others truth by being very selective choosers of Scriptures to promote a self-indulgent perspective or let’s say a modernistic PC or let’s be all inclusive gig which actually is causing many to stray from the Faith and “will of God” creating a secular man-made church system and the evidence of what I’m saying is rampant and in our faces! If you take the time to examine all of the information and other essays I provided these are just a few of the multitude of examples of what is Really Going On! We have multitudes of youth that put Taylor Swift on a pedestal and she is serving the beast system and Satan without a doubt!  Even a so called Catholic woman who gains popularity on social media that I had to part ways with was doing just what I said, and even said the current so called pope is someone to support when she and anyone with a clue should know he is a Freemason sort of World System Pope, which is ludicrous as he is blaspheming God continually and then there is the Presbyterian church that says abortion is fine and they support it!

If anyone thinks I’m a Bible Thumper so be it, I’ll accept that title as I know it’s not true and what I am is a man who will stand toe to toe with any evil on earth and not back down who is in a modern world of many multitudes of the opposite of a Bible Thumper running loose and concocting or blending as they so choose!  Mainly to give themselves license to live as they please and have all the things they WANT!  Sadly with that most often times they are leaving God out and pretending; maybe delusional!  When nobody takes a stand anymore then the world and all the people on it is done for!  How else did WWII not end up being a victory for Hitler!  When the going is tough the tough get going is how I see the task before us not any wishy-washy or oh let’s not look at reality and want to deal with it, lets just all sit around and talk nonsense like so many do who bring up religion and Jesus, but, are not in fully and willing to take a stand putting it all on the line, and I mean all; so many aren’t like this on the internet!  I love talking many other subjects which I can look at as enjoyable and heartfelt fun topics!  But, when it comes to Jesus Christ and why I’m on earth that is when it’s time to separate the men from the boys and the woman from the girls!

A good piece of music that spoke to some heroes like Abraham, “Martin,” John and Robert contained in this second offering.

No church that serves Almighty God through Jesus Christ would even think such a thing let alone promote it to multitudes! I see far too much lip service and though I understand full well who Martin Luther King Jr. was and how wonderful a job he did in advocating the Faith, he was not living in this over ripe hedonistic, narcissistic and antichrist culture we now find ourselves in!  If he were here now I’m sure he would address what I’m talking about very strongly and get people’s minds and hearts right who truly want  to see and hear Truth, God’s Truth; but, there would be plenty who would not listen or care and even criticize him!  Let’s focus at this moment how the world responded to Christ; they nailed Him to a cross, I deserve less? We all deserve far worse than that Cross eternally!  That was us on that cross or should be if not for the Eternal Love and Mercy of God Almighty!

“9What then? Are we any better? Not at all. For we have already made the charge that Jews and Greeks alike are all under sin. 10As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one. 11There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.” Romans 3: 9-11

“12All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” 13“Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit.” “The venom of vipers is on their lips.” Romans 3:11-13

The one world religion is on the horizon as many powers on earth are pushing cultures and societies toward it which is all in alignment with the antichrist agenda, we are in a world of “many antichrists” amongst us who are cheering on the coming of the actual false god; and to not be coming on strong against this now, is to be derelict or even participate with such evil like that Presbyterian church or the false pope is doing! Edmund Burke knew what he was talking about when he said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

Screenshot_2022-01-20 Taylor Swift plays LUCIFER in new Music Video (R$E)11)

I don’t intend to be one of those and I say what I see as the Truth and follow the Holy Spirit that God has sent to me on many occasions in dire-straits, even saving my life from impending death a few times, so I was shown He will address what needs to be, if we are truly faithful and “take a stand” for Him offering our whole being as a servant unto the Lord God Almighty in the name of Jesus, along with continuing to do his will; not the world’s.

“15 I am not asking that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one. 16They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth” John 17:15-17

“19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”  John 15:19

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In this world, but not of it, is more how I live and even then I fail here or there because I’m fallen just like all of us! But, now that the heat is on and the spiritual warfare is at a “fever pitch” with many young innocent lives being lost forever; this is the mother of all wars coming on hard and fast, there is no room for getting wishy-washy in our faith and not doing things that need to be done, in order not to completely drop the ball as it were, and allow more weak-minded or lost persons to lose their souls with all of the mumbo-jumbo nonsense being poured out upon the human race now!  I talk faith with anyone, but, I do not participate with games or half-truth speakers with forked tongues and the like or seeking self-aggrandizement of any kind when it comes to God’s will, and my own responsibility, to speak and live as truthful as I can.

I’m sorry to say it is, “Turn or Burn” and you nailed it by mentioning it, because anyone who has so much information or has their wits about them and refuses to “turn away from,” in the utter face of so much evil running rampant in this world now, and thinks they can chill so as not to get worked up over the world’s problems, which does require having a genuine conscience that serves God only; such as those have a big surprise coming, as many are going to hell and I don’t want to be one of them; as well, I prefer nobody will be, but, that is up to them to be sure they are following God’s will so they won’t be!  I am a sinner and deserve hell and I have seen how the human race has gotten exponentially worse in its utter evil decadence and even arrogance, thumbing its collective haughty nose in the face of ;and yet with so much evidence in their faces, which to me is pure evil and Satanic, just like these pop stars or many a politician and billionaire corporate magnates, to even a Joe Smoe down the street who blows everything off that isn’t of any interest to him while he has his fun times!


What I’m saying is, I may seem hard core to some, but, that doesn’t faze me at all, because when moved by the Holy Spirit in this tumultuous evil world now, I must respond as the Spirit of God directs me to, and, I had to face powerful government crony powers and fight for my rights and even existence, so I have some knowledge and experience; know what I’m talking about. I did tell those powers that I won’t stop doing what I know to be absolutely right and necessary, and they can stop my body but my soul goes on and belongs to God Almighty, so I fear no man or beast!

So I don’t like the phony pretenses and airs of many online social media groupies and I stay away from them, I learned fast they are narcissistic self-worshiping, disingenuous fools, but, I can’t help them if they won’t hear truth in their own hearts, that is up to them to get down on both knees and crawl if necessary like I did, fighting tooth and crawl if necessary; to not join into the frenzied wicked Ways of the World!

Taylor Swift blasphemy Cross sm print

Again I mention Taylor Swift who is so far into serving the beast system, and her doing so, young minds are sucking this crud up and turning their hearts over to this New Age Evil Mind Set!  Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t see anything remotely approaching this debauchery on this global scale, but since his untimely death the world has gotten vastly more evil and the Devil is more cunning as he traps so many into this web of blasphemy! So I say it like it is and shout it from a roof top if I must, but, I won’t “go along to get along” like so many are doing!  And I Hope, you will understand perfectly what I speak and won’t be in any way drawn away from God’s Wisdom and Truth that is there for the taking to those “who have eyes to see and have ears to hear and use them with an open heart to Jesus” in order to respond appropriately especially if speaking to Truth online, which is full of lies and half-truths just like the MSM is propagating to the world!  I worked in that business and dumped it hard and fast just like Hollywood when I left it!  In it we see a few success stories, but, we never see the multitudes who were lost and ruined possibly ending up in hell for sure, for partaking of those dangerous cauldrons of sin and self-worship and not doing the right thing; like as I see it now in this most tumultuous twisted world that is off the rails and going down hard and fast! Do you not see all of the children as well as adults who have been murdered and sacrificed for the elite power mongers of the world?  With their total LIE and SCHEME to take over all!

Will the coming worse confusion like we already see be stymied or stopped by just talking easy or not at all to avoid bruising someone’s ego or feelings?  Hardly, and the trouble is going to get exponentially worse, not better for this corrupted sinful world!  Sure we can and should take time to enjoy the little things all that good that is free in life; as we share these good things with each other as God wants us to!  But, there has to be many who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get right into the thick of it, those people Edmond Burke was talking about, to prevent loss of souls to hell; which requires many strong actions and words of Truth; the Truth hurts often times, and we all need some huge doses of it now; Big Time!

God bless you and yours!

Brother in Christ Jesus,

Lawrence Morra III

Scott Atlas Was ‘The Only Doctor’ Giving Advice On The COVID-19 Virus, But He Was Ignored

“Dem Party-MSM-CCP-WHO all Guilty of Mass Murder”

Republication by: Lawrence Morra III

Zero Lift-Off Only The Beginning

For sharing and informational purposes on this platform only.

December 16, 2021

Back on August 12, 2020 I republished an article that presented what is absolutely now being proven out over time to be the resounding Truth that was coming from top non politicized doctors unlike the ever so creepy Fauci who is nothing more than a over rated bureaucrat of 40 years working behind closed doors with Big Pharma to facilitate their Carte Blanche open ended power to get all they wanted in Washington which is namely zero restrictions on what they can produce and at the same time be granted blanket immunity to avoid nearly all  litigation that may result in the public sector if their products injure, cripple or kill people!  In essence they were getting a blank check from the government and total immunity to make trillions of dollars; and to hell with the public, who cares about them while Fauci was the middle man like an organized crime racketeer working for the Mafia and worse; as I say Satan!  They were all on the gravy train as they say with the moo-la being so huge that basically people sell their souls to get in on this Giant Cash Cow Deal!  Many a politician included!

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Here is some of what I wrote for that article along with a sizeable portion of; Trump Taps Esteemed Anti-Fauci Stanford Doc for COVID Team – Huge Game Changer.

This article spells out the truth verbatim leaving all the former so called experts like The WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx in conjunction with CCP, Bill Gates holding the bag with the nefarious diabolical US “Democrat party” lead by Pelosi and Schumer for the crimes of premeditated mass murder, treason, mayhem, fomenting riots, destruction of the US and global economies, aiding and abetting foreign and domestic hostile enemies of the United States of America!  My former blog article that I published on March 21st “Hysteria Full Stop; Reverse Course,” clearly pointed out what kind of rabbit hole we as a nation of free people were being manipulated into; all for a nefarious, political partisan, criminal conspiracy that these guilty parties mentioned were part and parcel of leading up to and during the entire calamity we’ve been experiencing since the COVID-19 plan was implemented.  I had stated the truth which I reflect upon here, “This highly regarded Virologist in Israel, Professor Jihad Bishara, director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Petah Tikva’s Beilinson Hospital, has stated that this Wuhan Virus or COVID-19 is not as bad as the common flu which is much more highly adaptable and intelligent than this current one that has the world going into lockdown mode, which is way over the top as a preventative measure.” That statement is 100% bullet proof and still completely valid, even more so now that it’s being proven as the facts come into focus!  Our US MSM are completely complicit in the lies and cover-up of the truth making them just as responsible for all the death and destruction as any of the other diabolical criminals involved in the “plotting and executing of this catastrophe of unprecedented proportions” and the subsequent attempts to skew or cover-up the truth!  They’ve virtually started a Third World War!

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”

Sir Walter Scott, 1808

Here are a few excellent highlights of what renowned Professor Jihad Bishara had said which I of course reported in the above mentioned article I wrote.

Professor Bishara docu

“I’ve been in this business for 30 years,” Bishara said in a Channel 12 interview. “I’ve been through MERS, SARS, Ebola, the first Gulf war and the second, and I don’t recall anything like this. There’s unnecessary, exaggerated panic. We have to calm people down.”

“People think this virus is going to attack them all, and then they’re all going to die,’ says Prof. Jihad Bishara. ‘Not at all. In fact, most of those infected won’t even know it”

“People are thinking that there’s a kind of virus, it’s in the air, it’s going to attack every one of us, and whoever is attacked is going to die,” he said.

“That’s not the way it is at all. It’s not in the air. Not everyone [who is infected] dies; most of them will get better and won’t even know they were sick, or will have a bit of mucus.”

“But in Israel and around the world, “everybody is whipping everybody else up into panic — the leaders, via the media, and the wider public — who then in turn start to stress out the leaders. We’ve entered some kind of vicious cycle.”

Now here is what the latest expert just appointed by the president Dr. Scott Atlas who is joining his team of COVID-19 advisors just said which you see correlates exactly with what Professor Bishara said months ago. I duplicate this data for easy comparison purposes to what you’ve just read.

  • Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19.
  • Fact 2: Protecting older, at-risk people eliminates hospital overcrowding.
  • Fact 3: Vital herd immunity is actually PREVENTED by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem.
  • Fact 4: People are dying from being denied other medical care due to hypothetical COVID-19 fatality projections that turned out to be garbage.
  • Fact 5: We have a clearly defined population at risk who can be protected with targeted measures.

Now, comes along this most enlightening forthright article loaded with the TRUTH we all so desperately need and desire!  Here is a piece of the intro but I absolutely urge you to read the entire article and originating sources to finally allow yourselves the opportunity to fill your minds and hearts with the  TRUTH that will set you free and dump all the lies along with all of the  Democrats come election time! Those of you in foreign countries please look over your own bureaucratic messes and work as mindful good citizens to extract those politicians and bureaucrats that promoted the wrong agenda or remedy for your own country’s citizens as they were more than likely part of the problem and new world order mindset using this hoax pandemic to implement their nefarious designs!  Many hundreds of thousands to millions of people around the globe have died and suffered for this wickedness perpetrated by the hands and evil minds of the sinister among us!

God bless all of you out there and keep praying sincerely for God’s intervention in this global crisis which we can only hope to resolve with Divine Intervention. Amen.

“The last couple of weeks have been frustrating for the sizable chunk of Trump’s base who think lockdowns, untargeted social distancing, and forcing everyone to wear masks are neither effective nor necessary responses to COVID-19 and, in fact, are a much greater menace than the virus itself.

They believe we ought to finally start listening to the thousands of doctors and scientists that the drive-by media have gone out of their way to silence instead of blindly following the dictates of life-long bureaucrats who’ve been puffed up, pushed, and placed on a pedestal by professional purveyors of fake news like Jake Tapper and Chris Cuomo.

Many of the president’s strongest supporters agree with Tucker Carlson that the measures being hyped the hardest by Jerry Nadler and his fellow Democrats as well as the relentless state of panic the president’s enemies in the press have created don’t merely contradict the data.

They think we’re witnessing a deliberate attempt to create a climate of fear and inflict maximal misery on the American people to give Biden a shot at beating Trump in November.

So, a lot of folks in the president’s corner couldn’t have been happier when he called out two of the media’s biggest lies about COVID-19 at a press conference last week.

Unfortunately, within a day the Trump campaign sent an email out to their fundraising list urging his supporters to abandon any convictions they may hold that it’s a terrible idea and start dutifully wearing masks just like Nadler and the rest of the president’s most bitter enemies are demanding.

And it wasn’t just signed by Trump. It was also written in an idiosyncratic style that seemed to indicate he may have actually composed it.

Whose ever idea it was hopefully noticed that a lot of folks who should be Trump’s biggest supporters wound up neither convinced nor amused.


If you haven’t heard of Dr. Atlas… well, that’s part of the problem. He’s the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and now a senior fellow at Stanford’s ultra-prestigious Hoover Institution (where conservative luminaries Thomas Sowell and Victor Davis Hanson also reside).

Dr Atlas 6

But apart from his impeccable credentials, Dr. Atlas is one of the thousands of medical experts the Democrats and their media enablers don’t want you to know about who’ve been trying to put the breaks on the suicidal, anti-science response to COVID-19 they’ve conned us into following.

Way back on April 22, Dr. Atlas penned an op-ed in The Hill whose title couldn’t have been clearer:

“The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation.” (I said the same in March blog)

He explained five facts about COVID-19 that were already apparent from the data we had a month after lockdowns started. But most Americans were totally unaware and, thanks to our corrupt and incompetent national press, still are.

  • Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19.
  • Fact 2: Protecting older, at-risk people eliminates hospital overcrowding.
  • Fact 3: Vital herd immunity is actually PREVENTED by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem.
  • Fact 4: People are dying from being denied other medical care due to hypothetical COVID-19 fatality projections that turned out to be garbage.
  • Fact 5: We have a clearly defined population at risk who can be protected with targeted measures.

Countless lives would’ve been saved and a heartbreaking amount of needless hardship and misery averted if more people had been aware of Dr. Atlas’s article back in April when it first appeared.

A month later, Trump’s new advisor tried to get the word out that lockdowns will wind up killing far more people than even the worst of the wildly inflated COVID-19 fatality projections claimed would die without them.

It’s a measure of how criminal Fauci’s leadership was that he somehow never even considered how many lives would be lost to canceled medical procedures and the well-established disastrous effects severe economic downturns have on life span.

Let alone the number of already struggling Americans who would kill themselves or overdose on drugs because the isolation and economic ruin he inflicted on them was too much to bear.

And don’t even start with the “outside his purview” BS. Those are all straightforward medical casualties who died because of Fauci’s flagrant malpractice.

If you’ve got 50 minutes to check out an in-depth interview, you can watch Dr. Atlas discuss the catastrophic medical consequences of lockdowns as well as correct some grave misconceptions that Fauci and his media enablers have encouraged about social distancing in an interview he did for his Hoover Institution colleague Peter Robinson’s Uncommon Knowledge series. (A great resource for conservatives in general, by the way.)

There’s also a shorter segment with Laura Ingraham in which she asked Dr. Atlas to explicitly respond to Fauci’s despicable attempts to keep us unjustifiably living in a state of perpetual fear when the reality is we’ve got the virus under control and the worst is clearly over.

For everyone who expressed frustration because the many esteemed experts vehemently calling out Fauci’s pseudoscientific snake oil and warning of its catastrophic side effects weren’t getting any attention, it looks like the president may have heard you.

Apart from Jerry Nadler, Chris Cuomo, the other Democrats and fake-newsmen who’ve thus far managed to stifle any dissenting views on the crackpot response to COVID-19 they’ve dishonestly peddled, and those poised to rake in billions when the terrified masses start desperately lining up for the completely unnecessary and likely not very effective vaccine they’re frantically racing to develop, Dr. Atlas’s appointment is fantastic news for all Americans.

There’s finally some hope that the epidemic of madness that’s infected the nation these past five months might be coming to an end.”

For additional timely data I’m including the article I published on July 19th regarding the acute realization that the pandemic is as I discerned back in March a hoax and the mask wearing useless along with it’s being only a tool to continue the ruse by the New World Order minions of evil deception conspirators!

In contrast I must add that our great President Donald J. Trump had warned early on in the pandemic to apply the brakes during the initial lockdown making it last no later than Easter Sunday, but he with all of us was receiving hostile false data from nefarious so called expert bureaucrats through the false enabling MSM propaganda machine of the left that turned out to be lying and working for the NWO!  God help us!  Amen.

“Dem Party-MSM-CCP-WHO all Guilty of Mass Murder”

We’ve Been Had; the Global Hoax

Lawrence Morra III

Feature lead photo courtesy of: (AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Original  Article courtesy of:

This publication is for educational none profit sharing purpose only.


Trump Taps Esteemed Anti-Fauci Stanford Doc for COVID Team – Huge Game Changer

Dr. Scott Atlas, former President Donald Trump’s advisor, says that science and health have been politicized, but we all know that anyway. The way politicians have exacerbated their power and authority over the citizens of the United States isn’t going to be forgotten.

Atlas said, “I was asked to assist the president in the greatest healthcare crisis of the century, and I said yes as a health-policy expert and a medical scientist for 25 years. More in the decade of full-time work in health policy.”

There were a lot of discrepancies around the lockdowns and what COVID-19 was and how it would affect the citizens of the United States and, even more incredible, the world.

Atlas continued, “It had absolutely nothing to do with politics. If you can’t say yes, there’s something wrong with you. I was aware that a sizable portion of the country despised the president, but it didn’t matter. And when I arrived, I was attacked by people who were attacking me because they had a political vendetta against the president.”

Trump took so much of the blame that should have been directed elsewhere. When theories were surfacing, it was at least transparent that the origins of COVID-19 weren’t in the United States. The best prediction was that it came from China, but at the time, people were censored and banned on social media unless they were talking badly about Trump.

When Rob Bluey from the Daily Signal said that Dr. Anthony Fauci had been told that he represents science, Bluey asked Atlas what he thought about that.

Fauci has been criticized for excellent reasons. Fauci represents everything wrong with non-elected politicians. And yes, Fauci is a politician.

“I’m not going to go into my reaction to that statement, but let me say this: That’s not what I witnessed while I was in the White House. I observed three people on the task force who handled the medical policy when I was in the meetings, including Dr. Fauci, who was the country’s most public face but was not in charge of the task force. Dr. Deborah Birx, who was in charge of the task force’s medical side, was the official task force coordinator with capital letters. She had everything in order and had personally drafted all of the written recommendations to each state. She flew to dozens of states to advise governors on federal policy guidelines. She went around to each state’s public health officials and handed out the national guidelines. And Dr. Redfield was the CDC’s third director.”

So, nobody knew what they were doing. It’s not surprising. The COVID-19 virus was new and was spreading across the country, and there were alarming characteristics attached to it, but why couldn’t everyone come together for a solution?

Atlas noted that he was the only one that wasn’t a bureaucrat. The others have approximately 40 years of experience behind them, and most of it is with the government. Fauci has been in government since 1984. Fauci wasn’t elected, and no citizen was surveyed. He was appointed.

Atlas continued, “First and foremost, there’s this odd assumption that restricting people indoors, or imposing whatever limitations you want on people, or mandating masks, or anything else, will stop the spread of the infection or remove the virus. That has been proven false. We were aware of it around a year and a half ago. It is still going on. There appears to be a peculiar lack of knowledge of facts.”

That’s the exact problem with the political mindset that the top levels of government have, and it’s precisely why this entire pandemic was for control rather than science or health. It is why your vote matters on every level of government.

© 2021 Congressional Post. All Rights Reserved.

Scott Atlas Was ‘The Only Doctor’ Giving Advice On The COVID-19 Virus, But He Was Ignored

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Social Media Erupts over New UN Sculpture, Some Say it Resembles End Times ‘Beast’ from Daniel and Revelation

Milton Quintanilla | Contributor for | Monday, December 13, 2021

Republication by: Lawrence Morra III

Zero Lift-Off  Only The Beginning

For sharing and informational  purposes on this platform only.

December 13, 2021

“The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle”

Beast from hell at UN

I can hardly believe sometimes how and what kind of things happen around me in my own locale but especially events or situations unfolding around the globe daily! I just had a man say to me the other day in one of my posting that he wouldn’t talk about End Time and I responded to him that the way things are going I’m not going to stop talking about End Time to anyone who will listen; so that I can at least try to help promote Truth, God’s Truth to anyone that needs to hear it! Perhaps I can even make a difference in helping a person or two to wake up to reality because there has been so much deception and brainwashing going on for decades even by our own CIA and MSM!

But much bigger than that is what force is behind all of it and we know if we have had any interest in Holy Scriptures that in the END TIME the deceptions that Satan will unleash upon humanity will be so powerful and mesmerizing to multitudes while still others will not even care as they will join into the frenzy as minions of evil!  There is no two ways about it, I’ve been around long enough and experienced enough circumstances and even a few miracles directly to know I’m only here because God wants me to be!  So I can tell you there is no way this all washes out with the things going on in this modern day arena and the battle lines are being drawn between nation, peoples, the classes and even in families that Satan is working overtime to instigate, in order topple humanity and pull as many into hell as possible!  Because the Lord is going to return and sooner rather than later, so this is the Devil’s big final move to get what he wants. Just the fact that since 1973 globally 1.5 billion human beings were aborted and disposed of like table scrapes, experimented on like lab animals or even sold to various buyers; and out of that number 62 million were aborted right here in the good old USA; One Nation under God! Blasphemy!

Things have gotten very bad in America and they are going to get a whole lot worse and one big reason is because the powers that be here in the United States have turned their backs on God His children and even thumbed their noses at Him with all of the criminal politics and heinous debauchery going on right in plain sight with nobody stopping it! You heard the expression going on a Hell Ride, like the biker organization Hell’s Angels would say; well this country and the planet are on one big Hell Ride!

This article I present here is shocking to say the least and this cannot be any sign of anything good, but damn well is a sign that as I’ve been saying for a long while, how evil has had its grip on America a long time and is ready to choke the life out of it both spiritually and physically as demonic infested persons are running rampant!  And look no further than at that monster in the White House America’s own Man of Perdition, the 50 year criminal traitor politician; to see how this is adding up and to what END!

God bless you and yours.

God help and bless again America!

Brother in Christ Jesus,

Lawrence Morra III

Screenshot_2021-12-13 Social Media Erupts over New UN Sculpture, Some Say it Resembles End Times 'Beast' from Daniel and Re[...] (2)

A new sculpture at the United Nations Plaza in New York City is sparking up controversy because of its striking resemblance to the end times beast described in the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation.


“A guardian for international peace and security sits on the Visitor’s Plaza outside #UN Headquarters. The guardian is a fusion of jaguar and eagle and donated by the Government of Oaxaca, Mexico,” the UN tweeted.

According to the Mexican Ambassador to the UN, Alejandro Murat, the governor of Oaxaca, sent the winged-feline sculpture last month to express the power of Mexican culture to the UN.

“With the purpose of demonstrating to the UN that Mexico has a powerful culture that can send messages through our artisans, and like 76 years ago, Mexico continues to be a guardian of international peace and security,” the ambassador said in a video message.

As reported by CBN News, people quickly reacted to the sculpture on social media by likening it to the “beast” written about in the books of Daniel and Revelation.

In Daniel 7:2-4, the prophet Daniel described “four great beasts,” one of which is “like a lion” with eagle’s wings.

“Daniel said: ‘In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea. Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea’,” the scripture reads. “The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle,” it added.

In Revelation, the apostle John told of a similar beast to the one Daniel described.

“The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority,” Revelations 13:2 reads.

Some social media users have also pointed to 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 when criticizing the statue, noting that the scripture warns that unbelievers will call for “peace and safety” just before the rapture.

First Thessalonians 5:2-3 says, “For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Larry Lee Photography

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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